17 Mar 2009

Artistul ceh David Cerný la EUNIC Club Brussels

EUNIC Brussels, reţeaua Europeană a Institutelor Naţionale de Cultură cu sediul la Bruxelles, organizează în fiecare lună în cadrul EUNIC Club dezbateri, colocvii şi mese rotunde având ca invitaţi personalităţi proeminente ale vieţii culturale, sociale şi

7 Oct 2008

La EUNIC Budapesta, ICR a obţinut un post de vicepreşedinte

La inceputul lui octombrie, Uniunea Europeana aInstitutelor Culturale -EUNIC, sectiunea Budapesta, a implinit un an fructuos, cu 6 evenimente organizate impreuna de cei 14 membri printre care Goethe Institut, British Council, Institutul Italian, Institutul Danez, Forumul

22 Jul 2008

EUNIC Bucureşti şi-a ales preşedintele

Pe 21 iulie s-a desfăşurat la sediul Institutului Cultural Român şedinţa EUNIC Bucureşti de alegere a preşedintelui şi a primului vicepreşedinte al acestei filiale. Reprezentanţii institutelor culturale membre au ales în funcţia de preşedinte al filialei

13 Nov 2007

ICR Budapesta la EUNIC

ICR Budapesta a luat parte in perioada 9-11 noiembrie la prima acţiune comună a EUNIC, Asociaţia institutelor culturale europene din Ungaria: un tur de cunoaştere a viitoarei capitale culturale europene Pecs 2010. Alături de directorii Forumului austriac, al Institutului

28 Sep 2007

EUNIC - European Union National Institutes for Culture - la Londra

Institutele si centrele culturale ale statelor membre UE reprezentate la Londra au semnat vineri 21 septembrie 2007 carta de constituire a filialei EUNIC Londra. EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture, www. eunic-europe. eu/) este o retea a institutelor

Generation '89

Held under the auspices of Mr. Václav Havel, famous Czech writer and politician, the project „Generation '89, marks the anniversary of two decades since the collapse of communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe. The project targets young people who were born

EUNIC Summer Academy

The annual EUNIC Summer Academy (ESA) has already become a tradition and a great opportunity for the young employees of the national institutes for culture members of EUNIC to meet face to face and discuss possible common projects and the future of the network. The first

Open Night of the Institutes 2010

Open Night of the Institutes, one of the most popular cultural events in Bucharest, has reached its fourth edition on June 25, 2010. Starting on Friday afternoon and until the next morning, almost 70 unique events were held in 11 locations all over central Bucharest. Since

Fashion Road: Dialogue across Borders

Fashion Road: Dialogue across Borders is a two year collaborative project aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and cross-border collaboration through which fashion designers from Armenia and Europe will look into the past for ideas and inspiration. It is an EUNIC (European


A young generation of Russian curators, not only from Moscow but also from numerous ambitious cultural centres in Russian regions, is working today partly freelance and partly as curators for young talents in institutions. These young people will decisively shape exhibitions

European Comics Festival

Between 28 October and 21 November 2010, Bucharest hosted the European Comics Festival. For almost a month, professionals and amateurs met at the Galeria Etaj ¾ - ArtExpo (in the National Theatre building) for a wide variety of activities and lots of surprises. The festival

Comics Museum

Between June 16 and October 16, 2011, Bucharest hosted the Comics Museum, a project initiated by a Romanian artist (Alexandru Ciubotariu), organised by the Romanian Cultural Institute in partnership with the National Museum of Contemporary Art, with the support of the Belgian