5 Mar 2014


On March, 5th, the representation of Baden Württemberg in Berlin, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovakia organized the event Donausalon 2014. . Seven musicians coming from seven different Danubian countries (Michael Kersting from Germany, Josef Abentung

15 Jan 2014 - 31 Jan 2014

"Another Look” - Restored European Film Project in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa

Another Look - The Restored European Film Project marks a unique venture aiming to raise awareness of both classic European cinema and the means by which it is preserved. Through the collaboration of the European Union and local European embassies, this project presented

1 Jan 2012 - 31 Jan 2014

Culture Report – Culture and Conflict / EUNIC Yearbook 2012-2013

Although a painting can never stop a bullet, a painting can stop a bullet from being fired. Culture is a central component of conflicts between different groups and ethnicities. So what could be more appropriate than using culture as a tool for conflict resolution? After

15 Nov 2013

Bangkok World Film Festival

Institutul Cultural Român a sprijinit proiecția filmelor Despre oameni și melci (2012) în regia lui Tudor Giurgiu și O luna în Thailanda (2012) în regia lui Paul Negoescu la festivalul World Film Festival of Bangkok, Thailanda. Festivalul este unul dintre cele mai

7 Nov 2013

Short Short Film Festival - EUNIC Dublin

Short Short Film Festival - European Shorts in Dublin The EUNIC cluster in Dublin, in partnership with the Irish Film Institute, organised a special evening of six short short films from Europe on November 7th. Five competing films selected by the cultural representative

10 Oct 2013

Dialogul Cultural EUROPA-CHINA, ediția a V-a. Întâlnire organizată de EUNIC și Academia Națională de Arte a Chinei

În perioada 16-18 octombrie 2013 se va desfășura la Xi’an, în China, la Tang Dinasty West Market Museum și la Academia de Arte Frumoase din Xi’an, a cincea ediție a conferinței Dialogul Cultural Europa-China, organizată de EUNIC (Rețeaua Europeană a Institutelor

25 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2013

European Summer Film Week in Tehran – the first Romanian contribution to a EUNIC in Iran cluster activity

The European Summer Film Week took place in Tehran, Iran, between 25 and 29 August 2013. This EUNIC event, coordinated by the Austrian Cultural forum and the Austrian Embassy to Iran, included award-winning films from Austria, France, Germany, Poland, Romania and Turkey.

30 Jul 2013

Cultural celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Romania and the Kingdom of Thailand

Please find the complete article on the website of the Romanian Embassy to the Kingdom of Thailand:

14 Jun 2013

Open Night of the Institutes 2013

Language courses, exhibition of designer clothes, jewelry and furniture, music and film were the main ingredients of a carefully crafted mix offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute for the annual sleepless Open Night held on Friday, 14, to Saturday, June 15. Having reached

29 May 2013

European Literature Night in Bucharest

All the readings in the 13 separate locations hosting the May 29th European Literature Night in Bucharest reached a total audience of over 1,000 people (corresponding to an average of 25 listeners / reading). During the first evening of Bookfest International Book Fair

15 May 2013

European Literature Night in Dublin, 2013

European Literature Night in Dublin The second Irish edition of the European Literature Night, with the motto Words on the Street, took place on Wednesday, 15 May 2013. Every half an hour, for three hours, Irish public figures read fragments of contemporary literature from

20 Nov 2012

Participarea Institutului Cultural Român la European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC)

Diferite feluri de instituţii (universitare, de cercetare ştiinţifică, bancare etc. ) au la dispoziție organizări ale Uniunii Europene pentru domeniul respectiv. Institutele culturale naţionale ale ţărilor din Uniunea Europeană se pot integra în EUNIC. Această