Governor of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve AuthorityPresident of Save the Delta-AC Association
The association "Save The Danube And Its Delta-Catavencu Academy" (aka "Save the Delta-AC") is a non-governmental organization founded in May 2004, whose purpose is to protect the Danube Delta, which is a Biosphere Reserve. MISSION Strategic objectives: · Lobby to influence public policies in favor of the environment.· Development of actions favorable to the environment within companies.· Promotion of a responsible attitude towards the environment within the masses.· Development of concrete actions for the protection of the Danube and the Delta. · Mediation between the actors and the factors of interest within the Delta. · Education, information and development of environment mass-media in Romania. Operational objectives · Development of an integrated activity of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a main means of acquiring funds for the organization.· Development of an expertise in environment protection within the organization.· Consolidation of the key-position held on the market of non-governmental organizations in Romania.· Acquisition of the status of public utility.· Personnel loyalty. VISION In the next three years we will become the most important ecological organization in Romania. · The CSR department will become autonomous and will generate private funds for the organization. We will develop CSR projects with national geographic applicability. The distinctive mark of our CSR projects will remain the same – the fact that they are supervised by the specialists of "Save the Delta-AC", so they will never meet customers' commercial requirements if the latter are not congruent with environment requirements. · The department of environmental projects will develop in such a way as to be able to have projects worth at least 1 million euros per annum. We will set up a subsidiary in Tulcea to make a transfer of expertise in fund acquisition in the region of the Delta. · In the next 3 years we will promote a Code of the Delta, as an organic law. We support the concept of a single authority of regulation and control in the Reserve, whose resources allow it to carry out its functions.· We will support the controlled development in the Delta. In ten years, the tourist potential of the Delta must be integrally put to use, and the living standard of the locals be higher than the national average. In the next fifteen years, with our help, the Danube Delta will become what it once used to be. We no longer want politics in ecology, nor ministries, prefects, security guards, policemen: we only want policies. No algorithm, only biorhythm. No barons, only surgeons. We want models of communion with nature, we want Romania to be a model for the worst problem of the future: nature taking revenge on its son, Man. "We are not that kind of ecologists who take their hand to the mouth so as not to swallow and kill the invisible microorganisms… we are instead dangerous guys who will drag out by their hair those coach potatoes who sit in front of their TVs set while the world lunges towards a wall at over a hundred miles per hour!"
by Liviu Mihaiu