Bird Observations In The Danube Delta And In The Dobrodgea (Romania)

4. DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  excerpts As a result of our observations we think that for more than 48 European breeding bird species the Danube Delta-lagoon lake-Dobruja region is of high importance for Eastern Europe or even for the whole of Europe. this region must be valued and treated as one of the ecologically most important areas in Europe! We think that within the whole region some areas are of special importance. … We will give some further conclusions about some areas: the whole area of L. Sinoe, L. Nuntasi, L. Istria between Grindul Lupilor, Histria wetlands, Vadu and Grindul Chituc is of very great importance for East European avifauna (e.g. 24/8/91 4,500 White Pelicans in L. Nuntasi-Vadu region, 17/7/86 5 wader species in 9,430 birds in the inner Vadu Bay, 7 other species were not counted, 9/5/91 10,000 waders in the inner Vadu Bay) Extensive use of the wetlands and salt marshes, like it is at the moment, by grazing sheep and cattle must be maintained! A close down or a displacement of the industrial plant at Vadu and of the sewage-irrigated fields must be carried out! The Sahalin island must be closed for people for the whole breeding period and summer. Apart from the birds breeding in colonies which are extremely sensitive to disturbances, the other birds which are molting or passing in summer are very sensitive too. … Apart from biotopes 'reed-beds' and 'swamps and wetlands' which need protection urgently and on a great scale, the old and hollowed riverside woods in the whole Delta area must also be kept. These woods can be seen as a living condition for a lot of species with high densities here like Roller, Hoopoe, Stock Dove, Jackdaw, Little Owl and Redstart. The hitherto practice of ruthless cutting down of these old riverside woods must be stopped immediately! Another very remarkable place seems to us the cliff of Capul Dolosman at L. Razim. This is an interesting 'bird-rock'. The breeding avicoenosis comprises among other species the Jackdaw (200 BP), Swift (500 BP), Eagle Owl, Barn Swallow under natural breeding conditions, Kestrel, Rock Dove, Starling, Hoopoe, Kingfisher, Bee-eater, Pied Wheatear, Wheatear, White Wagtail and Stone Curlew (steppe area on its top) and is of more than regional importance. Our data on 142 bird species underline the well-known position of the ornitho-ecological value of this region. Therefore, we here demand once more the final and irreversible stop of all draining in the whole area which is changing the character of this unique ecological system! in WIWO-REPORT nr. 43, July 1992

by Stefan Brehme; Thomas Müller; Jens Redlich