
27 Jan 2023

Once upon a Time in Bukovina

We continue our exploration of the history of Romanian Jewry before and after the Shoah with an event (exhibition & talk) that honors the memory of the once thriving community of Suceava, Bukovina, northern Romania, which was decimated in the killing fields of Transnistria.

18 Jan 2023

Life & Love | A not-to-be-missed performance by Vlad Ivanov and Lucian Maxim

Our 2023 program kicks off with a stunning performance, created especially for their American mini-tour, by screen star Vlad Ivanov, arguably the biggest leading man of Romanian cinema, and composer and percussionist Lucian Maxim. An ingenious mélange of poetry and music,

3 Jan 2023 - 3 Jan 2023

FOUR CORNERS Opens Our "Jazz & Fusion Jamboree"

To complement our flagship classical music program, ”The Enescu Soirees of New York”, with a series devoted to contemporary forms of musical creativity, we are thrilled to debut a string of jazz and fusion concerts that, throughout the year, will bring together on our

1 Dec 2022 - 16 Dec 2022

Fotograful Sorin Onişor evocă la New York magia iernilor din Maramureş

Programul evenimentelor culturale românești la New York a debutat în preajma Zilei Naționale cu o expoziție de fotografie semnată de Sorin Onișor, care prezintă, într-o suită de imagini pline de expresivitate, supraviețuirea miraculoasă a culturii tradiționale

14 Oct 2022 - 16 Dec 2022

The Salon of Romanian-American Artists Opens with “House of Mirrors”

HOUSE OF MIRRORSArtists: Ioanida Costache, Noche Crist, Megan Dominescu, Serban Ionescu, books by Saul SteinbergCurated by Adriana BlidaruOctober 14 - December 16, 2022The exhibition takes the idea of the traditional fun maze, often present at funfairs and amusement parks,

9 Dec 2022 - 9 Dec 2022

Cosmin Manolescu’s “Private Bodies” Premiers in New York

Influential choreographer and cultural entrepreneur Cosmin Manolescu returns to New York for the American premiere of his newest project, Private Bodies, a performative installation cleverly mixing dance, video and photography to create eerie, haunting effects. Visually

6 Dec 2022

An Electrifying Musical Melting Pot for the National Day of Romania

 To mark the historical breakthrough that, more than a century ago, brought all Romanian provinces together in one, unified state, join us on December 6 at Merkin Hall - Kaufman Music Center in New York City for an evening of exceptional music and gastro-cultural discoveries.

2 Dec 2022

Freedom on the Line: The Romanian Revolution of 1989

We are proud to partner with the Victims of Communism Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, and the Embassy of Romania to the United States for an evening of conversation and film that revisits the most seminal moment in Romania’s recent history, the Revolution of 1989, which

1 Dec 2022 - 1 Dec 2022

”The Free Zone” Anniversary Album

Released on The National Day of Romania 2022, the anniversary vinyl, entitled The Free Zone, marks the jubilee of the Romania-United States Strategic Partnership and concludes a yearlong program of cultural events dedicated to this important diplomatic landmark. The Free

16 Nov 2022

„Noaptea Literaturii Europene” de la New York reafirmă solidaritatea scriitorilor cu Ucraina

„Noaptea Literaturii Europene” / “European Literature Night”, unul dintre cele mai importante proiecte ale asociației institutelor culturale europene din New York, EUNIC NY, va avea loc miercuri, 16 noiembrie, reunind nu mai puțin de 11 scriitori și traducători

11 Nov 2022

“HomeLands”: Cinema in Search of Belonging

The Romanian Film Festival in Seattle, one of the biggest Romanian film festivals in North America, gets even bigger as it expands to Arizona and Detroit with a carefully curated selection of recent productions from Romania and Europe. Entitled HomeLands and organized by

26 Oct 2022

Illustrious Fine Arts Quartet Presents Rare Early Music by Enescu

A permanent guest at the George Enescu International Festival in Bucharest, The Fine Arts Quartet is renowned for its subtle and precise interpretation of the great Romanian composer’s often difficult music. In a much-anticipated recital, Ralph Evans (violin), Efim Boico