1989/2009: Achievements and Challenges for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe
On October 7, the Austrian Cultural Forum in NYC will host under this title a panel with Martin Palous, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN, Emil Brix, Head of the Cultural Policy Section of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, and Saviana Stanescu, Romanian-American
Andrei Serban Traveling Academy in NYC
The journey of the theatre academy, started in 2007 under the innovative guidance of prominent director/professor Andrei Şerban, continues this year with ten new actors and a second project presented in New York. The NYC phase of the project follows a 2-week workshop undertaken
Weaving Cultural Heritage. Romanian Rugs from Oltenia, Maramures and Moldavia Regions
The Down Jersey Folklife Center at WheatonArts presents, in collaboration with RCINY WEAVING CULTURAL HERITAGE. ROMANIAN RUGS FROM OLTENIA, MARAMURES AND MOLDAVIA REGIONS This is an exhibition of Romanian hand-woven rugs from the private collection of Margaret Mukherjee.
Lansarea cărţii “Girl Mary” de Petru Popescu
ICR New York/ expoziţia de carte Cărtureşti Răspunzând strategiei ICRNY de prezentare în spaţiului librăriei/expoziţiei de carte ICRNY/Cărtureşti a unei palete foarte variate de autori români din România şi SUA, scriind atât în limba română, cât şi în
Wednesdays at RCINY's Carturesti Book Exhibition: Reading the Tea Leaves
From May 20 to July 15, come by on Wednesdays at RCINY Gallery to discover one by one the various titles from the Carturesti book exhibition while having a tea with us. Classical and contemporary Romanian authors in both Romanian and English will be highlighted in the reading
In Memoriam: Matei Calinescu
Galeria ICRNY / Expoziţia Cărtureşti ICRNY prezintă în 10 iulie un eveniment special dedicat memoriei scriitorului si profesorului Matei Călinescu, care s-a stins recent, la vîrsta de 75 de ani. Matei Călinescu a fost Profesor Emerit de literatura comparată şi
Piano Recital by Matei Varga in Ottawa
The Embassy of Romania in Canada celebrates 90 years of Romania-Canada Diplomatic Relations with a special event featuring New York-based pianist Matei Varga, one of the leading young Romanian musicians. The recital is supported and organized in partnership with the Romanian
POONARC: A Page Out of Order: Not About Romanian Cinema
June 4-6 & 11-13, 8:30 pm | DANCESPACE PROJECT at ST. MARK'S CHURCH Yoshiko Chuma and The School of Hard Knocks will perform POONARC: A Page Out of Order: Not About Romanian Cinema at Danspace Project for 6 performances. With support from RCINY, four Romanian
Hardcomics at MoCCA Art Festival
Romanian comic art publications, Hardcomics and Aooleu, will be present at the 8th edition of MoCCA Art Festival, one of the largest comic and cartoon art festivals in the U. S. , featuring over 100 participant publications from all around the world and inviting dozens of
Aura Corbeanu: Romanian theatre exposed
Aura Corbeanu is presumably the most important Romanian theatre producer of today. She has managed UNITER - The Theatre Union of Romania (a Romanian equivalent of TCG - the Theatre Communication Group, systemic differences considered) since 1995 and has produced numerous
Ileana Alexandra Orlich on Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel
Join us at RCINY for a presentation of Ileana Alexandra Orlich's most recent book Myth and Modernity in the Twentieth-Century Romanian Novel (to be published at Columbia Press in August 2009) and a dialogue with the author about modern and contemporary Romanian literature