
10 Jan 2011

Masa rotundă Serbia@Europe încheie proiectul amplu “Întrebări frecvente despre Serbia”

Open Society Foundations şi reţeaua EUNIC SUA din New York organizează masa rotundă Serbia@Europe, eveniment ce marchează încheierea amplului proiect Serbia: Frequently Asked Questions (Întrebări frecvente despre Serbia). Masa rotundă, avându-i ca invitaţi pe

20 Sep 2010 - 20 Nov 2010

Gabriela Tudor Memorial Exchange Program –Program de rezidenţe pentru manageri culturali români şi americani

Iniţiativă a Fundaţiei Gabriela Tudor din Bucureşti, în parteneriat cu CEC Artslink din New York, programul de rezidenţe lansat cu sprijinul financiar al ICR New York şi ICR Bucuresti şi al fundaţiei Trust for Mutual Understanding îşi propune să încurajeze dezvoltarea

5 Nov 2010

Conferinţa academică „Constructing the Balkans, De-Constructing Ourselves”, Harriman Institute din cadrul Columbia University

Organizată de Harriman Institute din cadrul Columbia University, în colaborare cu Forumul Cultural Austriac, ICRNY şi Open Society Institute, conferinţa aduce împreună o serie de profesori şi intelectuali americani şi europeni pentru un maraton academic circumscris

23 Sep 2010 - 26 Sep 2010

Maria Drăghici şi Bodan Georgescu prezintă iniţiativa „Ofensiva Generozităţii” şi centrul „laBOMBA” la teatrul La MaMa ETC din New York

Conferinţa „Acting Together on the World Stage, iniţiată de Theatre Without Borders în colaborare cu o serie de alte organizaţii din New York, este dedicată schimburilor teatrale internaţionale şi rolului acestora în zonele de conflict şi în dezvoltarea comunitară.

Performing Revolution in Central and Eastern Europe

Performing Revolution in Central and Eastern Europe A five-month long festival featuring a wide range of performances, exhibitions, film screenings, and symposia throughout New York CityThe New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, in association with leading New

7 Oct 2009

1989/2009: Achievements and Challenges for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe

On October 7, the Austrian Cultural Forum in NYC will host under this title a panel with Martin Palous, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN, Emil Brix, Head of the Cultural Policy Section of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, and Saviana Stanescu, Romanian-American

3 Jun 2009 - 6 Jun 2009

Aura Corbeanu: Romanian theatre exposed

Aura Corbeanu is presumably the most important Romanian theatre producer of today. She has managed UNITER - The Theatre Union of Romania (a Romanian equivalent of TCG - the Theatre Communication Group, systemic differences considered) since 1995 and has produced numerous

5 Mar 2009 - 7 Mar 2009

THE DEATH OF MR LAZARESCU opens the New Balkan Film: Festival & Conference

THU, March 5 - SAT, March 7 | COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NYC The Harriman Institute, Columbia University NYC, in partnership with the Program in Hellenic Studies, the School of the Arts Film Division and the Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, and with the support

28 Feb 2008 - 28 Feb 2008

"The Memorial of Suffering" - Lucia Hossu Longin talks about the horrors of communism in Romania

THU, February 28, 7:30 pm | RCINY Auditorium Lucia Hossu Longin started in 1991 a documentary series called The Memorial of Suffering about persecution in communist Romania . It tells the stories of political prisons, the labor camp system, of anti-communist resistance and

8 Nov 2007 - 13 Nov 2007

Meanings of Modernity in Central Europe, An International Symposium

On the occasion of the exhibitions: Foto: Modernity in Central Europe, 1918-1945 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York October 12, 2007–January 13, 2008 & Graphic Modernism from the Baltic to the Balkans, 1910-1935 New York Public Library October 5, 2007–January

30 May 2007 - 3 Jun 2007

On the Road: RCINY in Montreal

Printr-o călatorie de explorare a scenei artelor performative şi ale oportunităţilor de cooperare în Canada, Institutul Cultural Român va participa la conferinţa anuală IETM, cea mai mare reţea europeană de arte contemporane performative. IETM va aduce împreună,