A Romanian Fall in Zikhron Ya'akov, September 27, 2018

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, in collaboration with the City Hall of Zikhron Ya'akov, AMIR and HOR Israel, will organize, on September 27th, an event dedicated to celebrating the Centenary of the Great Union, under the title of Romanian Fall in Zikhron Ya'akov. The Centenary of modern Romania coincides with the anniversary, in 2018, of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel, as well as 70 years of uninterrupted Romanian-Israeli diplomatic relations. The events will be organized outdoors in areas located in the pedestrian zone of Zikhron Ya'akov tourist town, whose bases were set by the Jews coming from Romania, as the city hall wants to capitalize on this important historical legacy.

The opening ceremony of the Romanian Fall event at Zikhron Ya'akov will take place at 19:00, next to Hapoalim Bank's headquarters.

The events, scheduled between 18:00 - 21:00, will include:
- between 18:00 - 21:00 – Romanian folk music concerts performed by the Păunița Ensemble, near the Ohel Yaakov Synagogue;
- between 18:00 - 18:50 – “Flying Carpets” workshop for children with Beatrice Iordan: creating paper carpets which turn into magical bookmarks; near Cuccina restaurant (for children over 8 y.o.);
- 19:30 | 20:20 – Concerts of Trei Parale band which include traditional Romanian folk music with klezmer and Gipsy influences, near Bank Hapoalim;
- between 18:00 - 21:00 – “The Romanian Doll” - arts and crafts for children with Andrea Meiu: design your own Romanian doll and dress her in traditional clothing; near Tut Neyar (over 7 y.o.);
- 19:30 – Film screening of Aliyah Dada, directed by Oana Giurgiu: a thorough historical documentary detailing the journey of Romanian Jews to Israel, at Tut Neyar (in both English and Romanian with Hebrew subtitles);
- between 18:00 - 21:00 – Classical photographs in costumes provided by the First Aliyah Museum, at Benjamin’s Pool;
- between 18:00 - 20:20 – Romanian storytelling through theatre, by Karov Company, at Gerd Garden;
- between 18:00 - 21:00 – ”Haide!”, exhilarating Romanian dance performances by Păunița Ensemble with audience participation, near Beit Aaronsohn.

Along with the project partners, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv will also be present through an information stand, where materials of general interest will be offered. The activities and events organized by the Institute will also be presented, together with promotional and tourist materials.

Free entrance