Theatre & Dance

25 Oct 2013 - 3 Nov 2013

Participarea regizorului israelian Kfir Azulay la Festivalul Naţional de Teatru de la Bucureşti, 25 octombrie– 3 noiembrie 2013

Festivalul Naţional de Teatru va avea loc între 25 octombrie şi 3 noiembrie 2013 la Bucureşti. La ediţia din acest an, cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român prin programul de mobilitate, va participa regizorul Kfir Azulay (Teatrul Naţional Habima din Tel Aviv).

24 Sep 2013 - 25 Sep 2013

Romanian actress, Maia Morgenstern, at The 20th Israeli Annual International Storytelling Festival. September 24-25, 2013, Givatayim Theatre

The 20th Israeli Annual International Storytelling Festival will take place between September 19-28, 2013, at the Givatayim Theatre. With the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, Maia Morgenstern has been invited at this year's edition of the festival

4 Aug 2013 - 8 Aug 2013

Romanian artistic director, Daniela Vartic, in the International Exposure Program of the International Festival of Puppet Theatre in Jerusalem, August, 04-08, 2013

The International Festival of Puppet Theatre will take place between August 04-08, 2013, at the Train Theatre and at various other schools and theatres in Jerusalem. With the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, Daniela Vartic will be invited at this year's

18 Jul 2013

"Space and Identity in Contemporary Romanian Theatre", conference held by the theatre critic Octavian Saiu at Karov Theatre in Tel Aviv. July 18, 2013, 6:00 pm

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and Karov Theatre are proud to invite you to the conference Space and Identity in Contemporary Romanian Theatre held by the theatre critic Octavian Saiu. The event will take place Thursday, July 18, 2013, 6:00 pm, at Karov Theatre.

20 Apr 2013 - 27 Apr 2013

"Star Without Name" and "How To Explain The History of Communism To Mental Patients" at Karov Theatre. April 20 and 27, 2013

Karov Theatre is proud to present in April 2013 the performances Star Without Name by Mihail Sebastian (April 27) and How To Explain The History of Communism To Mental Patients by Matei Vişniec (April 20). How To Explain The History of Communism To Mental Patients, comedy

10 Apr 2013 - 25 Apr 2013

"În ultimul act", adaptare după "Cântecul lebedei" de A. Cehov, la Teatrul Karov. 10 şi 25 aprilie 2013

Teatrul Karov prezintă în luna aprilie 2013 spectacolul În ultimul act, adaptare după Cântecul lebedei de A. Cehov (10 şi 25 aprilie). În ultimul act, adaptare după Cântecul lebedei de A. CehovMiercuri, 10 aprilie, orele 21:00 Joi, 25 aprilie, orele 21:00. Traducere

5 Dec 2012 - 27 Dec 2012

"How To Explain The History of Communism To Mental Patients" and "Star Without Name" at Karov Theatre. December 5 and 27, 2012

Karov Theatre is proud to present in December 2012 the performances How To Explain The History of Communism To Mental Patients by Matei Vişniec (December 5, during the Civic and Human Rights Fringe Theatre Festival) and Star Without Name by Mihail Sebastian (December 27).

1 Nov 2012 - 30 Nov 2012

Nicu Nitai received Landau Award for his contribution to the development of theatre in Israel

Nicu Nitai received Landau Award for his contribution to the development of theatre in Israel. Landau Awards are given out annually by Miphal HaPayis Foundation for performing arts, science and research, in recognition of outstanding acheivements by Israeli artists, scholars

1 Nov 2012 - 8 Nov 2012

Interview in Time Out Tel Aviv with Nicu Nitai, director of the Karov Theatre

Nicu Nitai, the director of the Karov Theatre, was interviewed by Time Out Tel Aviv (November 1-8, 2012 issue), for the column People who make Tel Aviv.

21 Jun 2012

"D'ale Carnavalului" by Ion Luca Caragiale. Karov Theatre, June 21, 2012 at 9 p.m.

Karov Theatre June 21, 2012, 9:00 p. m. D'ALE CARNAVALULUI by I. L. Caragiale Translated and directed by Nicu Nitai Artistic director: Dorit Nitai-Neeman Hebrew language (with Romanian subtitles).

15 Jun 2012 - 17 Jun 2012

"Străini în noapte" de Eric Assous, comedie romantică în traducerea lui Radu Beligan şi Liviu Dorneanu. 15-17 iunie 2012

Străini în noapte de Eric Assous, comedie romantică în traducerea lui Radu Beligan şi Liviu Dorneanu. În rolurile principale: Florin Piersic şi Medeea Marinescu. 15-17 iunie 2012. 1. 15. 06, ora 12. 30, Beit Ariela, Tel Aviv. 2. 16. 06, ora 20. 00, Beitenu,

26 May 2012 - 30 May 2012

"Ion Luca Caragiale: din Israel în România"-Turneul Teatrului Karov în România. 26-30 Mai 2012

Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv vă invită, în perioada 26-30 mai 2012, la turneul Teatrului Karov în România, cu spectacolul D'ale Carnavalului de I. L. Caragiale*, demers unic ce constă în montarea în limba ebraică, după aproape 50 de ani, a unei