"Străini în noapte" de Eric Assous, comedie romantică în traducerea lui Radu Beligan şi Liviu Dorneanu. 15-17 iunie 2012
Străini în noapte de Eric Assous, comedie romantică în traducerea lui Radu Beligan şi Liviu Dorneanu. În rolurile principale: Florin Piersic şi Medeea Marinescu. 15-17 iunie 2012. 1. 15. 06, ora 12. 30, Beit Ariela, Tel Aviv. 2. 16. 06, ora 20. 00, Beitenu,
ANIM'EST 2012 - International Animation Film Festival: call for entries
Dear filmmakers, producers, distributors and friends of animated films, the 7th Anim'est International Animation Film Festival will be waiting for your shorts & features in the next few months. The deadline for submitting your films to the 7th edition of the festival
"Re-link to Romania". Întâlnire academică a absolvenților de studii doctorale de la Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" din Cluj cu profesorii coordonatori
În data de 14 iunie, orele 17:00, la sediul ICR Tel Aviv va avea loc întâlnirea studenților israelieni care au obţinut doctoratul la Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj, cu profesorii coordonatori din România. Evenimentul este realizat în vederea consolidării
Two of us, directed by Claudiu Mitcu, at the TLVFest. June 13 2012, at 19:00.
TLVFest, the LGBT International Film Festival will take place between June 9-16, 2012, at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque. With the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, on June 13 2012 the Romanian documentary Two of us (Romania, 2011) will have a special screening,
Romanian filmmakers Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival. June 2-9, 2012
The International Student Film Festival Tel Aviv will take place between June 2-9, 2012, at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque. The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv supports the participation of the film director Siniša Dragin, the scriptwriter Răzvan Rădulescu, prof. Manuela
Three concerts performed by the Transylvania State Philharmonic Choir of Cluj in the Israel Festival, June 2-5 2012.
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is inviting the audiences, on June 2 and 5, 2012 to three exceptional concerts performed by the Transylvania State Philharmonic Choir of Cluj at the Israel Festival, held in Jerusalem. For over four decades, the Transylvania State
"Ion Luca Caragiale: din Israel în România"-Turneul Teatrului Karov în România. 26-30 Mai 2012
Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv vă invită, în perioada 26-30 mai 2012, la turneul Teatrului Karov în România, cu spectacolul D'ale Carnavalului de I. L. Caragiale*, demers unic ce constă în montarea în limba ebraică, după aproape 50 de ani, a unei
Yair Dalal, Erez Monk & Trei Parale. May 23 and 24, 2012
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and “The Culture of Peace” Festival are proud to present internationally known singers, Yair Dalal, Erez Monk (Israel) & Trei Parale (Romania), in concert on May 23, 2012, 9 p. m. at the Tzavta Theatre in Tel Aviv. As
Yair Dalal, Erez Monk & Trei Parale la București în concert Warm-Up la Green Hours INTERNATIONAL JAZZ Fest 2012
Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv & Green Hours jazz-cafe prezintă Yair Dalal, Erez Monk & Trei Parale în concert Warm-Up la Green Hours INTERNATIONAL JAZZ Fest 2012 – ediţia a IV-a, în data de sâmbătă, 19 mai, ora 20:00. Yair Dalal este unul dintre
The translation and reception of Amos Oz’s work in Romania. May 17, 2012
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is inviting writers, editors, literary critics and the public to the Round Table entitled “The translation and reception of Amos Oz’s work in Romania”. The event will take place on the 17th of May 2012, 5 p. m. at the Tzavta
A literary evening – the poetry of Denisa Comănescu. May 15, 2012
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and Israel - Romania Writers' Association are inviting poets, editors, literary critics and the public to the Round Table entitled “A literary evening - the poetry of Denisa Comănescu”. The event will take place on the
"Hotel Europa" by Matei Vişniec. Karov Theatre, May 14, 2012, 8.30 p.m.
Karov Theatre May 14, 2012, 8. 30 p. m. HOTEL EUROPA by Matei Vişniec Translated and directed by Nicu Nitai Hebrew language Tickets: tel. 03-688. 50. 04, www. t-karov. co. il Address: 116 Levinski St. , Tel Aviv (Central Bus Station, 4th floor, entrance 41)