EUNIC events

Klezmer & More Festival / June 16-19, 2011 / Green Hours, Bucharest

For a long time klezmer, a music specific to Central and South-East Europe, was forgotten. In the last decades, however, young and talented musicians over the world have dedicated themselves to revitalising it. Inspired by the success of the Jazz Meets Klezmer festival

Open Night of the Institutes 2011

Open Night of the Institutes, one of the most popular cultural events in Bucharest, has reached its fifth edition on June 24, 2011.  Since 2007, on the last Friday of June, we have been celebrating the cultural institutes in Bucharest, that on this occasion open their doors

Fluid world of words - minority languages in globalized literature | European Literature Nights Seminar at the Gothenburg Book Fair

The Fluid world of words – minority languages in globalized literature seminar will take place on Thursday, 26 September 2013, between 14:00 and 14:45, at the Bok & Bibliotek book fair of Gotherburg. The event gathers writers and translators from the Czech Republic,

6 May 2022

Festivalul Filmului European ajunge în Timișoara – Capitala Europeană a Culturii 2023

Festivalul Filmului European revine pe 10 mai în Capitala Europeană a Culturii 2023, cu o Gală specială timișoreană, în proaspăt reabilitatul Cinema Victoria. Festivalul Filmului European este organizat de Institutul Cultural Român, cu sprijinul Reprezentanței