EUNIC events

3 Apr 2012

EUNIC Curatorial Exchange Programme 2012: Call for applications!

EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) is delighted to present the Curatorial Exchange Programme 2012 for internship in European museums and galleries. Education and professional development of the new generation of young curators is now a top priority for

14 Mar 2012

Curatori ruși în galerii europene

Conferință dedicată programului EUNIC Russian – European Curatorial Exchange la Moscova Pe 12 și 13 martie 2012 a avut loc la Moscova conferința internațională cu tema Instruirea generației următoare de lideri culturali și curatori de artă, manifestare dedicată

24 Nov 2011 - 8 Dec 2011

“Siberia – the place to hide away”, curator Alexandra Semenova

Thursday, 24th of November 2011, at 07:30 p. m. , the opening of the exhibition Siberia – the place to hide away curator Alexandra Semenova showing works of artists Alexander Kuptzov, Dinara Hafizova, Tatiana Antonuk, Vasilina Popova, Gleb Pokrov, Roza Mozhaiskaya, Alexey

3 Nov 2011 - 20 Nov 2011

European Comics Festival, second edition

Strip drawings returned to Bucharest to turn the city, for two and a half weeks, in the unofficial capital of comics. European Comics Festival, at its second edition held from 3 to 20 November 2011 at Foto Anexa – gallery of the National Museum of Contemporary Art (62-68