
6 May 2020

Leon Feraru Conferences Online: Marius Turda Confronts Clear and Present Racism

On May 6, 2020 we had as interlocutor in our LEON FERARU CONFERENCES ONLINE series Romanian-British historian and academic MARIUS TURDA, one of the world’s leading experts in racism, eugenism, and medical history. Professor Turda discussed,in dialogue with the RCINY director,racist

5 May 2020 - 5 May 2020

RCI Digital Stage Opens with Marvelous "Ashes Afar"

In eager expectation of the eventual return to physical events, we continue to enrich our online broadcasting of original and exclusive content by opening THE RCI DIGITAL STAGE, a brand-new program showcasing theatrical performances in English made by Romanian artists together

4 May 2020

The History of Romania in One Object: The Steel Crown of the Romanian Kings

THE HISTORY OF ROMANIA IN ONE OBJECT is our newest online series, developed in partnership with the The National History Museum of Romania, that evokes decisive epochs in Romanian past starting from an artifact or vestige with powerful symbolic, representative value. In

1 May 2020 - 1 May 2020

Art Fights Corona - Artists React to the Pandemic - Works & Talks Series | E1/8: IOANA CIOCAN

In the middle of the pandemic, artists are finding countless ways to continue their practice and lift our spirits. Eight Romanian artists have taken our challenge with the kind of ingenuity one would expect from highly creative minds and are ready to share with us and the

30 Apr 2020

Irina Muresanu Rediscovers Ragtime for the Enescu Soirees Online

We are thrilled to welcome in the Enescu Soirees Online dazzling Romanian-American violinist Irina Muresanu, a darling of the classical music circuits in North America and one of our closest collaborators. Her recital presents a captivating program highlighting the confluence

29 Apr 2020

Leon Feraru Conferences Online: Anca Șincan about Religion and the Transatlantic Relations

Our LEON FERARU CONFERENCES ONLINE continued with an exploration of the role played by religion and religious affairs in the Romanian-American diplomatic relations during the Cold War, in the company of historian and academic, Dr. ANCA ȘINCAN, one of the principal Romanian

23 Apr 2020

Enescu Soirees Online: Pianist and Composer Teo Milea in Recital

We are excited to welcome, in our newly launched Enescu Soirees Online, Toronto-based classical crossover pianist and composer Teo Milea, one of the most celebrated Romanian musicians in North America. Energetic and mesmerizing, Teo’s performances, mostly based on his

22 Apr 2020

Leon Feraru Conferences Online: Dennis Deletant on Ceaușescu's Spy Games in the U.S.

After a great start exploring the multi-faceted reality of pro- and anti-Americanism in the company of PEN Romania President, Radu Vancu, our LEON FERARU CONFERENCES ONLINE continued with a conversation with Professor DENNIS DELETANT, one of the biggest names of Romanian

16 Apr 2020

Enescu Soirees Debut Online with Daniel Ropotă (Piano)

As our cultural promotion efforts are starting to unfold only in the virtual sphere, we are pleased to announce the continuation of our popular Enescu Soirees of New York program as a series of online recitals, recorded exclusively for us by some of Romania’s most brilliant

15 Apr 2020

Leon Feraru Conferences Online: Radu Vancu Talks Anti-Americanism

The first event in the LEON FERARU CONFERENCES online series, one of our permanent programs that provides a voice to the rich and diverse Romanian expertise of all things American, took place on April 15, 2020. We began these weekly virtual exchanges with an exploration

28 Feb 2020 - 8 Mar 2020

10 artiști români la NADA New York Gallery Open

Galeria Anca Poterașu deschide prima sa expoziție la New York, intitulată O cameră doar a ei, în colaborare cu Galeria Catinca Tăbăcaru și cu sprijinul ICR New York. Vizitatorii sunt invitați, în perioada 28 februarie – 8 martie 2020, într-un spațiu expozițional

6 Mar 2020 - 6 Mar 2020

Trei designeri români își prezintă creațiile la New York, în cadrul programului "Romanian Annual Fashion Showcase"

Institutul Cultural Român de la New York lansează un nou program permanent, dedicat prezentării designerilor români şi industriilor noastre creative în capitala mondială a modei, New York. Primul eveniment al acestei inițiative, inspirat de tradiţiile românești