Visual Arts

17 Jan 2017 - 24 Feb 2017

The exhibitions “Righteous among nations” and ”The Memory of the Holocaust”. January 17-February 24, 2017, RCI Tel Aviv gallery

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is hosting, between January 17 - February 24, 2017, a series of exhibitions commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The opening of the exhibitions will take place on February 2nd, 2017, at 17:00, followed

9 Nov 2016 - 13 Jan 2017

The exhibition of paintings and drawings “In the children’s world”, 19.12.2016-13.01.2017, at the gallery of RCI Tel Aviv

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv will host between December 19, 2016 - January 13, 2017 the exhibition of paintings and drawings entitled In the children's world. The exhibition is based on a concept by Livia Kessler, Israeli artist of Romanian origin

7 Nov 2016 - 16 Dec 2016

Point of view - photography exhibition by Aviva Baharav, Gallery of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, November 7- December 16, 2016

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is hosting, between November 7- December 16, 2016, the photography exhibition Point of view by Aviva Baharav. The exhibition includes 18 photographic works, through which ordinary forms and objects become seas of moving shapes,

20 Nov 2016 - 27 Nov 2016

„Şi s-au dus ca vântul...”, expoziția foto-documentară despre Teatrul Barașeum itinerată la București în perioada 20-27 noiembrie la Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat

În perioada 20-27 noiembrie expoziția foto-documentară „Şi s-au dus ca vântul. . . , inițiată de Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv, va fi itinerată la București în cadrul Festivalului Internațional de Teatru Idiș organizat de Teatrul Evreiesc de

22 Nov 2016 - 26 Nov 2016

”Cabaret Voltaire la Ein Hod”, eveniment-performance dedicat Centenarului Dada, 22 noiembrie 2016, ora 19:30, Muzeul Janco Dada din Ein Hod

Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv, în colaborare cu Institutul Francez din Israel, Muzeul Janco Dada, Editura Transignum din Paris și Asociația Scriitorilor Israelieni de Limbă Franceză vă invită marți, 22 noiembrie 2016, ora 19:30, la Muzeul Janco Dada

14 Oct 2016 - 4 Nov 2016

The caricature exhibition “ANDOgraphy, yesterday and today” by Octavian Andronic. October 14-November 4, 2016, RCI Tel Aviv

The  Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is hosting, between October 14-November 4, 2016, the caricature exhibition ANDOgraphy, yesterday and today by the Romanian artist Octavian Andronic. The celebratory exhibition will mark 40 years of activity in the artistic

16 Oct 2016 - 29 Oct 2016

Romanian artists at the 22nd edition of the International Cartoon Exhibition. October 16-29, 2016, Haifa Auditorium

The 22nd edition of the International Cartoon Exhibition will take place between October 16-29, 2016 and will be presenting, under the categories Social and political processes in modern large cities and Free humor, works by artists from around the world, selected following

5 Sep 2016 - 13 Oct 2016

From Above - photography exhibition by Aviva Even Zohar, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, September 5- October 13, 2016

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is hosting, between September 5- October 13, 2016, the photography exhibition From Above that includes works by Aviva Even Zohar. The exhibition represents an invitation to join the artist in a journey of colour and shape, and

1 Jun 2016 - 4 Sep 2016

Expoziția de caricatură ”Duelul umoriștilor”, 1 iunie-4 septembrie 2016, sediul ICR Tel Aviv. Vernisaj: 9 iunie, ora 16:30

În perioada 1 iunie - 4 septembrie 2016, Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv găzduiește expoziţia de caricatură Duelul umoriștilor. Expoziția cuprinde lucrări ale artiștilor israelieni de origine română Andy Ceaușu și Edy Matteș, alături de caricaturi

15 Aug 2016 - 27 Aug 2016

Romania at the International Arts and Crafts Festival in Jerusalem, August 15-27, 2016

The International Arts and Crafts Festival, organized by the Jerusalem Municipality, will take place between August 15-27, 2016 at the Sultan's Pool and the Khutsot Hayotser Center in Jerusalem. Within the international pavilion, Romania will be present with a national

30 Jun 2016 - 30 Jun 2016

The Alchemy of the vegetal – workshop delivered by Daniela Frumușeanu during Street Art Europa, June 30, 2016, at 20:00, Rothschild Plaza- Tel Aviv

White Night Tel Aviv will take place on June 30, 2016 în various cultural spaces in Tel Aviv. With the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, Daniela Frumușeanu and Bianca Frumușeanu will participate at the Street Art Europa event and will hold an

5 Jun 2016 - 10 Jun 2016

Promovarea în Israel a școlii românești de arhitectură și design cu Marius Marcu Lapadat și Augustin Ioan, 6-9 iunie 2016

Cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv, în perioada 6 - 9 iunie 2016, Marius Marcu Lapadat și Augustin Ioan vor susține o serie de prelegeri despre școala românească de arhitectură și design la universități de prestigiu din Israel: Institutul