” Voyages on easel” by Romanian artist Sorin Adam at Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv
Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv will host, between October 18th - November 23rd 2017, the exhibition called ” Voyages on easel” by Romanian artist Sorin Adam. The exhibition will include approximately 20 medium-size works, oils and pastels, meant to celebrate
Concursul și Festivalul Internaţional de Caricatură de la Haifa, ediția a XXIII-a
Concursul și Festivalul Internaţional de Caricatură de la Haifa este singurul eveniment internaţional de profil din Israel, cunoscut în mediile de specialitate pe plan internaţional. Anual, la expoziția Festivalului sunt selecționate circa 130 de lucrări realizate
“Art, education, remembrance” – exhibition dedicated to the National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust, September 18th – October 13th, 2017, RCI Tel Aviv gallery
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is hosting between September 18- October 13, 2017, the exhibition “Art, education, remembrance” dedicated to marking the National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust. The exhibition is comprised of painting and graphic
Expoziția „Joacă de copil” semnată de Maruca Iordan, 3 august – 15 septembrie 2017, sediul ICR Tel Aviv
Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv va găzdui la sediu în perioada 3 august - 15 septembrie 2017 expoziția de grafică „Joacă de copil” semnată de tânăra artistă româncă Maruca Iordan. Vor fi expuse aprox. 20 lucrări de dimensiuni medii și mici
Romanian participation at the International Arts and Crafts Fair in Jerusalem, August 7 - 19, 2017
The International Arts and Crafts Festival, organized by the Jerusalem Municipality, will take place between August 7 - 19, 2017 at the Sultan’s Pool and the “Khutsot Hayotser” Center in Jerusalem. Within the international pavilion, Romania will be present
The exhibition ”A big story in a small world” by Gila Miller, May 15 – July 28 2017, RCI Tel Aviv gallery
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv is hosting between May 15- July 28, 2017, the exhibition ”A big story in a small world” by Israeli artist with Romanian roots, Gila Miller. The exhibition is comprised of small and medium size works created on paper,
The video project “Bucharest. Layer by Layer” by Mindscape Studio at Performance Europa, June 29, 2017, at 20:00, Rothschild Plaza Tel Aviv
White Night Tel Aviv will take place this year on June 29th, in various cultural locations in Tel Aviv. For a third consecutive year, the EU Delegation and EU member states are participating at the White Night Tel Aviv program of events, the theme of this year being
The photography exhibition ”An Israeli in Romania, a Romanian in Israel” by Yoel Harel, April 4 – May 12 2017, RCI Tel Aviv gallery
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv will host, between April 4th – May 12th, 2017, the photography exhibition “An Israeli in Romania, a Romanian in Israel” by Romanian-born Israeli artist Yoel Harel. The exhibition is comprised of photographic works
Romanian art group Apparatus 22 at the Fresh Paint Contemporary Art Fair, 28.03-01.04.2017, The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in Tel Aviv
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv invites you to the exhibition Still Life by Apparatus 22, taking place during the Fresh Paint Contemporary Art Fair, between March 28- April 1, 2017 at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in the Tel Aviv University campus.
Expoziția de peisaje fotografice ”Bran” semnată de Dinu Mendrea, 28 februarie – 31 martie 2017, sediul ICR Tel Aviv
În perioada 28 februarie - 31 martie 2017, Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv găzduiește expoziția de peisaje fotografice Bran semnată de artistul fotograf israelian de origine română Dinu Mendrea. Expoziția reprezintă o invitație adresată publicului
Serie de conferințe și prezentări susținute de artistul plastic Radu Comșa și curatoarea Daria Dumitrescu la Academia de Artă și Design Bezalel, 19 martie 2017, ora 18:30, Tel Aviv
Institutul Cultural Român de la Tel Aviv, în colaborare cu Academia de Arte și Design Bezalel din Ierusalim, vă invită la prelegerea Sabotage: hybrid systems in the field of art susținută de Daria Dumitrescu, director al Galeriei Sabot din Cluj, urmată de o prezentare
Celebrating the Francophonie in Israel, March 10-18, 2017. Haifa and Holon Cinematheques, The Arab Hebrew Theatre in Jaffa.
The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and the Embassy of Romania to the State of Israel proudly invite you to the celebration of the Francophonie in Israel through a series of events including the Francophonie Film Week and the Francophonie Fair, which will take