
Viorica Ghiţă, Iulian Ghiţă (coordonatori) - Ion Popescu-Negreni (album), 2007, 208 p.

Absolvent al Academiei de Arte Frumoase din Bucureşti în anul 1931, la secţia de pictură, avându-i ca profesori pe Camil Ressu şi Constantin Artachino, Ion Popescu-Negreni aparţine Paradisului Pierdut al Picturii (formulă folosită de Andrei Pleşu cu referire la

Dan Dinescu (fotografii), Andrei Pippidi (text) - Farmecul discret al Bucureştilor/ The Discreet Charm of Bucharest (ediţie bilingvă română-engleză), 2008, 250 p.

„(. . . ) talentul domnului Dinescu este de cel mai mare folos pentru toţi, nu numai pentru istoricii arhitecturii. Pentru fiecare generaţie măcar, astfel de cărţi trebuie să se facă – scrie Andrei Pippidi în prefaţa albumului. Cele peste 100 de imagini realizate

*** - Visteriile cetăţii. 18 poeţi din Sibiu / Treasury of the City. 18 poets of Sibiu; volum îngrijit de Liliana Ursu şi Ioan Radu Văcărescu, 2008, 340 p.

18 poeţi contemporani îşi deschid arhivele sentimentale legate de Sibiu. Voci diferite, generaţii diferite re-inventează tainele acestui topos liric, oferindu-ne un Sibiu cultural şi livresc dar şi romantic şi modern şi boem şi exotic, dar mai ales intens fantastic.


by Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea (1858-1918)

Bucharest Days, A Popular Celebration

The inhabitants of Bucharest came out of their homes in great numbers last weekend to celebrate their city, on the anniversary of 549 years since its first being mentioned in a document. Over one hundred events, taking place in 30 locations, brought entertainment for every

Smells Of Bucharest

from left: rundown houses on Lipscani and Mosilor, Dimbovitza river from Hasdeu bridge, street in Cotroceni Bucharest smells exquisitely during the time of lindens and rain. Vigorously soaked for a half hour, the city heals even from the stenches that make you ill. Under

Sunday Morning. A Bourgeois Walk In A Post-Communist City

clockwise from top left: Smardan St. , Stavropoleos St. , Caru cu bere pub (2), Stavropoleos Church (3), Russian Church. Early Sunday morning before 10 A. M. , the city offers its first surprise. It is empty. The bare streets are visible in all their twisted length, without

The “Black Hole” Historical Center

from left: Old Court ruins, Manuc's Inn, Lime-Tree Inn galleries, passageway on Lipscani St. The other day I was wandering through the Historical Center of Bucharest, the capital city, that is, the place from where the sun rises for all of us Romanians. The name –

Public Works From The Time Of Carol I. Acts Of Founding And Commemorative Medals By Nicolae Şt. Noica

clockwise from top left (see also What's old in Gallery): The Athenaeum, The National Bank, The Palace of Justice, CEC Bank, Romanian Peasant Museum, Domnita Balasa Church, Gheorghe Lazar School, University (detail). (Lucrări publice din vremea lui Carol I. Acte

Nature And Architecture: The Parks And Gardens Of The Capital

Cismigiu gardens, Icoanei park, Kiseleff park (see also The green within in Gallery). Many of Bucharest’s gardens and parks, which no longer exist because of extensive urban reorganising, were shaped as the aristocracy tastefully redesigned the open space around their

Grigore Antipa In The Bucharest Of The Beginning Of The 20th Century

Grigore Antipa Museum of Natural History Having returned to the country after finishing his studies his studies and his PhD. thesis, awarded summa cum laude at the famous University of Jena, on 1 April 1893 Dr. Grigore Antipa was appointed director of the Zoology department

The Friend From Abroad

Clockwise from top left: People's House, wood church in Romanian Peasant Museum yard, Opera House, Stavropoleos Church, Athenaeum, Caru cu bere pub. Every time I have to recommend some sightseeing in our town to the friend/ acquaintance/ work colleague coming from