
The Erotic Arms Race

A young man learning of how Les Fleurs du Mal was condemned for obscenity during Napoleon III's uptight times can only be left speechless if he has happened to read Baudelaire. For the young generations of today, the poet's depiction of lesbian delights appears

Religious Conversion In 19th Century Moldavia

The baptized JewIn the late 1990s I had planned to include at the end of my book The Imaginary Jew in Romanian Culture a chapter entitled The Baptized Jew. As I worked on this subject I realized that it had been extensively discussed by the historian Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu

My Rosenau In The Carpathians

I have always wondered why so many of those who happen to be born within the Carpathian arch, in Transylvania, have a sense of coming from a unique, privileged area, why they keep an enduring and unquestioned commitment to it whatever may happen in their lives, whether they

La Poésie Aux Confins Des Langues – Portraits En Miroir

L'ARME INVISIBLE La francophonie a bonne presse chez les Roumains. Le fait que la francophonie littéraire roumaine ait révélé ses quartiers de noblesse en France, par l'entrée de Tzara, de Fondane, de Ionesco et de Cioran dans l'espace littéraire français,

L’expérience Microphysique Et La Pensée Humaine

CONSIDERATIONS PRELIMINAIRES DU PHENOMENE DE LA CONNAISSANCE ET DE SA PSYCHOLOGIE LOGIQUE L'enthousiasme des nouvelles conquêtes, plutôt des nouvelles aventures de l'avant-garde scientifiques, incite – ce qui est le propre de toute jeunesse – à un certain

Le Monde Homérique

ESSAI DE PROTOPHILOSOPHIE GRECQUELibrairie Philosophique, J. Vrin, Paris, 1934  INTRODUCTION Le plus ancien monument de la langue grecque qui soit conservé est celui des poèmes homériques. Ces poèmes sont peut-être aussi le produit le plus représentatif du génie

Rich And Poor, 1945

excerpts I For a century, the psychology of the Romanian people has found itself in continual transformation. This has corresponded (since 1829, that is, since the treaty of Adrianopolis whereby the Romanian Principalities joined the Western capitalist complex) to a gradual,

History Of Romanian Modern Civilization, 1924-1925

excerpts XVII 1. The impact of Western social ideology preceded the impact of capitalism, in other words, the social revolution preceded the economic revolution2. The revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu and the existence of the national party cannot be viewed as the starting

Orthodoxy And Romanianness, 1929

excerpts Orthodoxy is the rhythm in which the most authentic breath of complete life can be found, of life lived with the wish for the progress by which the evil that hurt it is made good, and by which it is elevated towards the perfection, which is its real normal status.

The Second Independence, 1926

There is a technique of the life of the matter and a technique of the life of the soul. One is the result of scientific findings and inventions based on precise and universally valid laws; the other is the result of long-wearing inner experiences of man with himself, with

The Story Of Ting-A-Ma-Ling, The Softer Feminine Software Designer

Ting-a-ma-Ling, the Softer Feminine Software Designer, tightened her lips slightly. She could not really put up with people talking so cynically about old men, kings or no kings. And Mol-loch's way, with his sheep's eyes and smiles, obnoxiously courting her all

Ethnicity And Imagination In The Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is a land inhabited by Romanians coming from Transylvania, Moldavia and Oltenia (Little Walachia), as well as by people who came here from Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. There seem to be two causes that led to this ethnic mosaic: a political one –