
High-Born, Low-Born

excerpts Many were the reasons of marriage in the countryside once, but the most important was the family of the chosen one. If the family – the seedling – was bad, the young people from such families had a hard time getting married, and only exceptional personal merits

Nights In Serampore

excerptI will never forget the nights spent with Bogdanof and Van Manen around Calcutta, in Serampore and Titagarh. Bogdanof, who had been the consul of the Tsarist Empire to Teheran and Kabul for ten years, was at the time my teacher of Persian. He had made friends with

Virgil Cioflec

Virgil Cioflec, later to become a writer and a collector, stands out amongst the moral and financial supporters of the initiators and founders of Artistic Youth Society (December 1901). With some of its founders, Gheorghe Petraşcu, Ştefan Popescu, Kimon Loghi, Ipolit Strâmbulescu

Viva La Revolucion!

Bertrand had descended on our little town as if from a film: long-haired, with a beard that was still fluffy but nevertheless impressive in comparison with our teenage fuzz, and dressed in a T-shirt with Che Guevara on it. Besides, he was smoking Gauloises and was an anarchist.

The Germans In Romania

There had been groups of German colonists in all the historical provinces, which came to make up Greater Romania at the end of 1918. But these Germans had not immigrated into Romania: they had come to Bessarabia when it belonged to Russia (and was returned to Soviet Russia

Plus Fort Que La Mort

Nous ne jouissons que des êtres et le reste n'est rien. Vauvenargues Toute œuvre dramatique d'Eugène Ionesco se trouve en puissance dans son premier livre (Nu, Bucarest, 1934; Non, tr. Fr. , Paris, 1986) et finalement quintessenciée dans son dernier (La Quête

Les Pays Roumains Entre Orient Et Occident. Les Principautés Danubiennes Au Début Du XIXe Siècle

Publications Orientalistes de France AVANT-PROPOSAu début du XIXe siècle, il y a trois cents ans que les Turcs dominent un des plus vastes empires de l'histoire universelle, s'étendant des confins iraniens jusqu'à l'Atlas et des Carpates à la mer

Le Conseil Du Roi Charles

ESSAI SUR L'INTERNATIONALE CHRETIENNE ET LES NATIONALITÉS A LA FIN DU MOYEN ÂGE I. LE PROJET DE CROISADE DE CHARLES II D'ANJOU, ROI DE SICILEDans ses récentes considérations sur quelques problèmes de l'histoire des Croisades, M. J. L. La Monte, dont

Tradition And Modernity In The 1920s (IV)

excerpts Chapter IV. What path shall we choose for our evolution? 1 The history of modern Romania has registered, periodically, a phenomenon that might seem strange at first glance. That is the discussion, every two or three decades, concerning the development of the country

The Foreigners And The Modernization Of Bucharest

excerpts Short overview The modernization of Bucharest was a complex and dynamic historical process, spanning roughly the interval between 1848-1948, a period when the process of modernization of the Romanian society in its totality revolved around the town of Bucharest

Du Billet Au Traité: Le Français Chez Les Roumains

C'est un fait reconnu depuis longtemps: les plus grands accomplissements culturels des Roumains ont presque toujours transité la culture française dans leur parcours vers le monde. Brancusi, Enescu, Ionesco, Cioran sont les figures de proue de ce que l'on pourrait