
NR. 66 - vara 2008

SUMAR NR. 66 Pagini autobiografice Ion Vianu – Exerciţiu de sinceritate (III) Aharon Appelfeld – Povestea unei vieţi Dincolo de eveniment Adam Michnik – Ultraradicalii revoluţiei morale Paulo Moura – Portugalia văzută de pe a doua şosea importantă a

NR. 65 - primăvara 2008

SUMAR NR. 65 Pagini autobiografice Ryszard Kapuściński – Războiul fotbalului Ion Vianu – Ecerciţiu de sinceritate Dincolo de eveniment Perry Anderson – Înfăţişarea Europei Mircea Vasilescu – Când ideologia o ia înaintea adevărului Guillaume Dasquié

Horia-Roman Patapievici, preşedinte 2005-2012

H. -R. Patapievici – născut la 18 martie 1957 (Bucureşti). Studii de fizică (1977-1981; diplomă de specializare 1982), cercetător ştiinţific (1986-1994), asistent universitar (1990-1994), director de studii (1994-1996), membru în Colegiul Consiliului Naţional

Virgil Mihaiu - Jazz Connections in Romania, (ediţie în limba engleză), 2007, 200 p.

Structurată pe trei capitole (Landmarks for alternative jazz identities in the wake of totalitarianism, Anticipations of postmodern jazz aesthetics şi A concise history of jazz in Romania), lucrarea de faţă are ambiţia de a oferi cititorului de limbă engleză o minuţioasă

Tarde De Sabado

Tras la muerte de mi madre se produjo también mi divorcio de la musica. Sin intentar imponérmelo: de por sí. No me prohibí, en señal de luto, escuchar música, sino meramente ya no podía escuchar música, El «raciocinio» inconsciente que me impuso tal actitud podría

The National Ballet Contest - Constanţa '94

The city on the shore of Pontus Euxinus, which time and again unravels new vestiges of ancient civilization, the old city of Tomis is, at present, building up a cultural profile of considerable complexity: museums, theatres, one opera, art festivals and contests. The contribution

The International Festival Of Choreographic Creation Iaşi 1993, 2nd Edition

Iaşi proved to be, for the second time, an excellent host for The Competition-Festival of choreographic creation with international participation, initiated last year by the ballet critic Dan Brezuleanu, the director of the Festival. The artists benefited from a modern

Sarah Bild And The Contemp Ensemble

A good Romanian-Canadian meeting took place recently through the collaboration of the dancers from the Contemp ensemble with the Canadian choreographer Sarah Bild, who graduated in 1988 from the Montreal Modern Dance Workshops, and the creator of some performances presented

The Dialectics Of National Self-Criticism

Some time in the autumn of 1994, Sorin Alexandrescu asked in an interview in 22 magazine why, in the canonical battle between the various radical-democrat and nationalist structures of the opposition (and of the government), more attention is not paid to the real traditions