
Daniel Eszralow - Interview, 1999

For the first time ever three American choreographers, Moses Pendleton, David Parsons and Daniel Eszralow will create a novel performance for the Romanian World and Olympic Champions at aerobics. AEROS – a world premiere that will take place in Italy. Physically extremely

Alexa Mezincescu - Interview

I suggest a discussion about superlatives. You have had a superlative career – as a matter of fact, two careers that at first intertwined, and then continued separately. Chronologically, who were your best teachers? My maestros were Anton Romanowski, Oleg Danovski, Gelu

Corina Dumitrescu - Interview

A few years elapsed from our last interview – enough for a change of viewpoint in retrospect. What do you think was more important in your career: school, college or practicing at the theatre? I'm asking this considering the common perception according to which most

National Reunion On Dance Themes

Slowly but certainly, the world of the Romanian dance submits to the process of decentralization, typical to transition even if it undergoes it unconsciously. Bucharest doesn't have, anymore, the monopoly of the important events: in Constanţa there is a group of classical

Interview With Magdalena Popa

Art critics acclaimed Magdalena Popa: She is one of the most dazzling stars of the century. She was regarded as a goddess of this art. Her small body expressed grace, a sort of ritual noblesse. Born in Bucharest, she graduated from the High School of Choreography and then

Boris Kneazev

I owe much of my setting up as an artist to Boris Kneazev as well. There’s another aspect to consider. One can work enormously in ballet and never get proper parts. Or, there’s even a more dramatic situation, when one gets these parts and realizes that one doesn’t

Anton Romanowsky

Romanowsky was active in our country after the First World War, with several interruptions. These interruptions were caused by a series of frictions with some of the managers at the Romanian Opera House. Then, between the two world wars, the social context (the economical

Interview With Ioan Tugearu About Floria Capsali

You were one of Mrs. Capsali's students and on one occasion you confessed that you could talk about her excellence for days and days. This subject captivates me, it excites me, and at the same time it moves me because it's been 50 years since I met Floria Capsali.

The Dialectics Of National Self-Criticism

Some time in the autumn of 1994, Sorin Alexandrescu asked in an interview in 22 magazine why, in the canonical battle between the various radical-democrat and nationalist structures of the opposition (and of the government), more attention is not paid to the real traditions

Jungle: The Daily Dose Of Excess

excerpts Unfortunately, in this country we talk, but do not communicate, in the sense of a science of communication. This is particularly obvious in the public area, where people do not express thanks, do not salute, and address each other on familiar terms without justification.

The Romanian Dimension Of Existence

excerpts Chapter IIIThe Nature of the Being  (…) Anybody who knows this nation will agree that the Romanian is a born opponent. Whatever is proposed to him, his first reaction, the first temptation of his thought is to oppose it. But, strangely, his opposition does not

Horia Andreescu The Radioman

One of the most important orchestras in Europe. This is how a Spanish newspaper described the Romanian Radio-Television Orchestra after a concert when it opened the 1993 Santander festival, an international get-together rounded off this year by the Scala Orchestra under