
Workshop 1, 2, 3, 4

The forms of modern dance, present but not officially supported before 1990, appeared and survived due to the love for them of several choreographers and dancers who used to have the occasional show on various theatre stages. Their importance has been growing since the above

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The Chosen Chooser

Who is this Roman Vlad who composed 'The Seagull'? a well-known director asked me, a great music fan, therefore always present at the concerts and shows of the Enescu Festival. The meaning of this question was suggested by its intonation: Who is this Roman Vlad

Daniel Eszralow - Interview, 1999

For the first time ever three American choreographers, Moses Pendleton, David Parsons and Daniel Eszralow will create a novel performance for the Romanian World and Olympic Champions at aerobics. AEROS – a world premiere that will take place in Italy. Physically extremely

Eurodance '97

Having reached its sixth edition, The International Festival of Choreographic Creation tends to become emblematic of the small sweet town of Iaşi. Somewhat pompously named Eurodans '97, it took place this year in a scenery saturated with pilgrims, guards, strikers,

Interview With Karine Saporta - 28 January 1992

Karine Saporta is considered one of the most prestigious personalities of contemporary European dance. With higher education in philosophy and sociology in France and the USA, she has continuously developed her research in the direction of dance, from video to photography.

Florin Fieroiu And The Marginals (Marginalii) Group

Marginalii, the contemporary dance group initially made up of Florin Fieroiu, Mihai Mihalcea, Cosmin Manolescu, and Irina Costea, was set up in 1992, and they are the enfants terribles of the current Romanian choreography. They are protesters, wiping out everything that

Mălina Andrei And The Terpsichora Group

Mălina Andrei is yet another young creator whose presence is being increasingly felt in our choreographic landscape. This year she will graduate from the Academy of Theater and Motion Pictures, the choreography section, but she already teaches contemporary dancing at the

A Generation Of Choreauthors

In the Choreographer's Manifesto from 1935, Serge Lifar proposed a new word for the creator who invents and composes dance parts, that of choreauthor so that we could make a clear distinction between the one who creates (choreauthor), the one who stages again a ballet

Irinel Liciu - A Great Sensitivity And Its Fragility

I was touched and amazed to discover this skinny little girl, thin and long legged, who was doing her exercises in the ballet room with the concentration of a mature artist. The way she led her body had lost any trace of effort and it was describing meanings known only to


I dedicate these lines to the one we, her friends and colleagues, as well as fans, used to call – and still do – Lully. That is, Ileana Iliescu. She belongs to that pleiad of prima ballerinas who built the fame of Romanian ballet, shining from the beginning of the 1960s:

Interview With Magdalena Popa

Art critics acclaimed Magdalena Popa: She is one of the most dazzling stars of the century. She was regarded as a goddess of this art. Her small body expressed grace, a sort of ritual noblesse. Born in Bucharest, she graduated from the High School of Choreography and then