
Romanian Ornamental Wall Cloths With Zoomorphic And Avimorphic Motifs

from the collection of the Folk Art Museum in Tulcea see Gallery 1. General considerations In the context of the Romanian traditional fabrics ‘stergarele’ (cloths) represent a category with multiple functions: pieces for decorating or adorning the house , pieces

From The Mountains To The Sea

During autumn and winter, migrating peregrines come to our country from the north, looking for prey in the fields as well. However, the ones who nest here can also be seen in the mountains during the warm season. Another bigger bird of prey, which also lives in rocky regions,

Dogs And Romanians

Mihai Eminescu published an article entitled “What happens when dogs are not looked after” in Curierul de Iasi, no. 129 of 26 November 1876. The text was the following: “D. N. Pascu, deputy-prefect in Dorohoi, was bitten by a rabid dog while strolling on the streets

Losing Endangered Species?

Our domestic fauna is not okay at all: we have 62 endangered species. These are in addition to the dozens of species already lost. Still, when it comes to diversity, we are doing fine: out of all countries we bring the largest number of bio-geographical regions to the European

The Hunting Museum In Posada: A Sanctuary Of Trophies

see photos I do not believe that anyone could have found a better place, a better lodge for a hunting museum than the one in Posada. Visitors feel this is a wonderful sanctuary of hunting trophies, which, in all likelihood, makes even the most exigent critic happy. In the

Night Lights Light Nights Of Bucharest

Sometimes glowing colorfully in the dusk air, as doors of museums open up for late visitors, or, some other times, its dark sky flushed by lasers for white nights of entertainment, Bucharest often begins to live and breathe anew after sundown.  White NightsNow that the

“Kaviar House”

The theme of the provincial man leaving his small town, a closed universe deprived of any kind of perspective and diving into the unknown, attracted by the Big City where he thinks he'll hit it big and get rich overnight, was and continues to be a successful recipe

Honest Thieves

I once saw some Romanian thieves on a bus in Rome and I thought they're just bad publicity for us, but every cloud has its silver lining: maybe this way we'll get rid of them, maybe they'll go and steal from richer people. A cop confirmed that over the past

The Circle Without A Center

from left: Antiques store on Covaci St. ; National Bank on Lipscani St. ; Victoria department store; Dimbovitza river. The navel of the city: one couldn’t find a better name. There was once an umbilical cord. Through it, Bucur’s shepherds village used to receive, no

New Buildings And Old Facades In Bucharest

1 2 1. Hotel on Victoria Road. The remake of the former National Theatre façade kept this operation away from the attacks against the tall buildings from the historic center. 2. The replacement of the old buildings from Lipscani area. The pseudo-classical pediment and