
From The Musical Folklore Of Children To The Comic Opera For Children

In 1954, the great Romanian ethnomusicologist Constantin Brăiloiu (1893-1958) held a scientific presentation at Colloque de Wegimont in Belgium that amazed all specialists present in the audience, because it unsettled all theories regarding the musical culture of children

The Erstwhile Snows

Winters in Ramnicu Valcea were quite mild in those times, though there was plenty of snow (I guess this is the cliché of those whose childhood memories are blurred by their excessive subjectivity); anyway, they unfolded following a certain ritual: at the beginning of December

Fram The Polar Bear

excerpt XVI. THE END The blizzard howled, tumbling boulders of petty snow, gasping when hitting icy walls and cliffs or moaning and screaming along the white nowhere. You couldn't tell the sky from the earth or the ice from the water. Nature was unleashed and that

The Alley Boys

excerpt  3. THE INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES OF STING AND STUNG Sting and Stung came into being in a jar of mustard, on the very first morning after I'd dreamt of serpentine road bends and devils. Had it been necessary to invent a realm for them to come forth from – a

The Earth

If I remember well, we've never been underneath the Earth's shell. We'll take now a tour of sorts, in just a few words. The dashing prince lets himself slide all the way underground on a rope made from the bark of the tallest lime tree around. He goes down

Paradise Now

For any visitor of the Danube Delta it is extremely difficult to ignore the beauties it lavishly displays all around. One can obviously go to the Danube Delta simply to do business there, in fisheries, in shipping or in any other industrial branch. One can go there to participate

The Pressure Of Tourism Is Great, But It Can Be Controlled If We Want To

At 33, Daniel Petrescu, born in Letea, in the Danube Delta, an ornithologist by profession, organized at Sutu Palace in Bucharest his first photographic exhibition, entitled rather plainly Snapshots from Nature. It was in October 2006. A month later, the superb images of

Save The Danube And Its Delta - Catavencu Academy Association

Governor of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve AuthorityPresident of Save the Delta-AC Association The association Save The Danube And Its Delta-Catavencu Academy (aka Save the Delta-AC) is a non-governmental organization founded in May 2004, whose purpose is to protect the

Sfantu Gheorghe, Mon Amour

In the old days, when you went to the doctor, you had to bring him a big fish. Now you have to give him money, the man complains. This would be it. Behind this brief fact, however, there is a long story. In the old days, the man used to bring the fish on the table, the wife

The Danube Delta - Remember

Whenever one talks about the beauties of our country and its tourist potential, the first words on the speaker's lips are: the Danube Delta. Unfailingly accompanied by the phrase biosphere reserve. Sometimes, the fact that it is a wetland of international importance

The Involvement Of The Romanian Ornithological Society In The Protection Of Birds

Romanian Ornithological Society Area Manager, Tulcea Branch A few years ago I was the guide to the Danube Delta of a member of the British Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. He had been to many reservations, not only in Europe, and at the end of the day, when we

Preserve The Largest Wild Bird Region In Europe!

President of the German Nature Conservation Trust I was born and raised so close to the still tiny Bavarian Danube that I could observe the lime leaves in our garden, swept away into the river by the autumn wind. As an infant, I used to squat amongst the willow stalks on