
Damsel Mamuca

excerpt Doctor Tucia, a young man of about twenty-three or twenty-four, tall, slender, swarthy, with a crooked nose, big eyes and bushy brows, and a pretty well outlined forehead, had one of those faces that are likeable and seem beautiful at first sight, especially to someone

Hutsuls And Their Embroideries

Hutsuls or Huculs, a group of Ukrainian highlanders, live in the Carpathian mountains, to the South-East of the Boykos, a region bordering on the territory of the Romanians. They differentiate themselves from the surrounding Slavic peoples by physiognomy, and by their traditional

Outline Of The History, Customs And Language Of The Gypsies

excerpts All chronicles show that this nomadic people appeared first in Moldavia; indeed, in order to come to Europe from India, they had to cross the Black Sea, which Moldavia used to border on at that time. In 1417, in the 19th year of the rule of Alexander the Good,

Life Stories Of The Italians From Dobrogea

Who can even imagine nowadays that more than a century ago, Romania, going through a period of economic expansion, was a sort of terra promessa on which the seasonal workers relied in order to make money and on which the immigrants from western countries relied in order

Pentecost At Csí­ksomlyó - A Hungarian National Holiday?

Situated on a hill in the midst of the Csík valley in the heart of Szeklerland, the Franciscan order in the small village of Csíksomlyó hosts the largest annual pilgrimage in Central Europe. Regardless of their religious affiliation, three to four hundred thousand Hungarians

My Rosenau In The Carpathians

I have always wondered why so many of those who happen to be born within the Carpathian arch, in Transylvania, have a sense of coming from a unique, privileged area, why they keep an enduring and unquestioned commitment to it whatever may happen in their lives, whether they

The Saxons, The Romanians, The Fortified Town And Rural Tourism

excerpt Prejmer is a village a little further from Brasov, known, of old, for its peasant stronghold, the largest in Transylvania, begun in 1211 by the Teutonic knights. But also known, in the past, for the largest SAA (State Agricultural Association) in the area, which

An Armenian Who Changed The Destiny Of The Opera Oedipe: David Ohanesian

Through the centuries, the spiritual connection between Armenians and Romanians has been very close as far as the Romanian musical culture is concerned. It's enough to remember Carol Mikuli, Mihail Jora, Matei Socor, Emanoil Ciomac, Sergiu Malagamba, Nicolae Buicliu,

Triumphalus, Or The Sunset Of The Stallions

excerpt The Old Geezer had come again to the shore of the Black Sea to buy himself an eye. The other reason was to spend a honeymoon here. As a rule, he would go back with an extra honeymoon and the same number of eyes. Five years before, appalled as he was by the fact

The Confessions Of A Clown

Here's the story Coco the clown told me one evening: I've never known my father. Neither have I asked who he was. Mother was a Galician Jewess who toured the big cities with a circus. She was known as the Spanish beauty. An acrobat she was, and used to ride a lovely

The Albanian Bucharest: From Merchant Elites To Cultural Elites

excerpts The gradual development of a cultural Moldo-Walachian elite of Albanian origin, that was able to manifest an awareness of the cultural identity of its origins through certain activities in this respect, an elite devoted to the idea of a modern and independent Albania,

Un Bucarestois A Paris, Un Parisien A Bucarest

Le peintre Theodor Pallady est né en 1871 à Jassy d'une ancienne famille de boyards moldaves, et il est mort à Bucarest en 1956. La soeur de son grand père, Basile Cantacuzino, était mariée à Puvis de Chavannes. Pourtant, l'éducation de Pallady commence