

Turneu internaţional de promovare a Festivalului Enescu, organizat de ICR - AGERPRES 31 ianuarie 2011 Institutul Cultural Român va organiza un amplu turneu internaţional dedicat promovării Festivalului Internaţional George Enescu şi creaţiei compozitorului român,

Restrictions In The Retezat National Park

Rhododendron on Bucura lakeshore by Cristina LazaroniRestrictions have their place in a national parkMany people know why there are restrictions in a national park and agree with them. I have received various questions from tourists wanting to know why, in the Retezat National


excerpt I was a boy around thirteen when I first learned how to wield a rifle – though I confess that, ever since, I have made no progress in this craft, quite the contrary, I dare say! I had accompanied my old man to Whitepond Baths, that had seen the cream of the crop

Biodiversity Protection Beyond 2010

The real chance that Romania has to shelter the most numerous populations of bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes (almost 33,800 species of animals, out of which 33,085 are invertebrate and 707 are vertebrate) is what inspired us to extend this invitation to the world. The

Paleochristian Funeral Art At Tomis

The hypogeum tomb with painted wallsIn 1988, the archeologists C. Chera and V. Lungu discovered, on the outskirts of the late Roman funeral necropolis, an underground construction with one room, which in specialized language is called hypogeum. As the underground entrance

A Vision Of Paradise

The Retezat National Park is a vision of paradise, truly one of the wonders of the world An interview with Zoran Acimov, Director of the Retezat National Park, by Ion Longin Popescu The blue-eyed realm, that's how tourist guides introduce the place when they talk


Mythology, just like the vernacular, is a product of the folk spirit that does not excel in speculation but finds an unconscious, spontaneous, inspired, and not-at-all roundabout way of expression. Mythology presents in all sincerity the attitude of primitive man towards

The Diversity Of Fauna In The Vadu Area

 Greek tortoise in Dobruja (Testudo graeca ibera) (CONSTANTA COUNTY), PART OF THE DANUBE DELTA BIOSPHERE RESERVE The many and diverse species of animals and plants seen in the Danube Delta, many of which have a high scientific, ecological and esthetical value; the patchwork

The Ornamentation Of Horezu Ceramics

The ornamentation of Horezu ceramics The main characteristics of the geometric ornamentation of Horezu are the use of simple elements and preference for curved lines. The geometric elements used as decorative motifs are: dots, lines, circles, spirals, zig-zag, semicircles

Seahorses From The Black Sea Are Facing Extinction

see image The reservation is decaying because the Grigore Antipa National Research Institute doesn't have any more funds to administrate it. Tourists, who often have access to the border of the reservation, take the seahorses home as souvenirs. Few tourists who come


Michel Pastoureau, director at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, where he teaches the history of western symbolism, has recently published a volume called Famous animals (2008). Until the 1960's, the animal kingdom had been neglected by historians. Now it is an integral

Rare, Vulnerable, Endangered Birds In Romania

excerptsThis work puts forth essential data on a number of 101 bird species in the Romanian fauna, which are rare, vulnerable and endangered. Emphasis is laid on the hatching populations, on recent and current tendencies, on factors imposing limitations on the existence