The Dynamic Equivalence Of Gypsy Fashion
Gianina lu' Manşonică of Sinteşti interviewed by Tita Chiper Our host's courtyard could be best described as transition in progress, accurately preserving each of its successive stages: it begins with two run-down foreign cars, and ends with an ashen tent proudly
Who Is Eginald Schlattner?
Who is Eginald Schlattner and what story is he telling in his debut novel? For the readers in Romania, the Lutheran priest aged 65 who lives in his parish house at Rosia, near Sibiu, where he lives in a community mainly made up of Romanies, Romanians, and only a few Saxons
About The Slovaks In Romania
The Slovakian migration to Romanian territory took place in several stages. It started in the 18th century (in particular the second half), and it grew stronger in the first half of the 19th century. The Slovaks mostly settled in four Romanian regions – the plains of Arad
Rich And Poor, 1945
excerpts I For a century, the psychology of the Romanian people has found itself in continual transformation. This has corresponded (since 1829, that is, since the treaty of Adrianopolis whereby the Romanian Principalities joined the Western capitalist complex) to a gradual,
The Agrarian Revolution And The Evolution Of The Peasantry, 1923
excerpts Agriculture, qua exploitation, can never completely be geared into the capitalist system. K. Bücher, Enstehung der Volkswirtschaft, vol. 2 (1920), p. 84. In history, one never encounters peasants destroyed by the exploitative superiority of major competitors.
The Philosophy Of Energetic Personalism, 1927
excerpts The surface of the earth allows such an interesting insight into the interdependency of labor and personality. If one picked some recently published book on the topic of scientific geography, Karl Sapper's[1], say, and took a look at the areas where different
Dreamer Of A Thousand Dreams
This boy's a first-class dreamer, yes indeed…His thoughts take off at supersonic speed,And he is wont to let them freely soarT'wards what the glorious future holds in store. This boy is sometimes dreaming wide awakeThat he's a writer blessed with world-wide
The Story Of Ting-A-Ma-Ling, The Softer Feminine Software Designer
Ting-a-ma-Ling, the Softer Feminine Software Designer, tightened her lips slightly. She could not really put up with people talking so cynically about old men, kings or no kings. And Mol-loch's way, with his sheep's eyes and smiles, obnoxiously courting her all
excerpts Sulina – named after the chief of a Cossack horde – is the gateway to the Danube. Hereabouts, the grain went out and the gold came in. The key to this gateway passed during the course of time from one pocket to another, after endless battles, by arms and by
The Road Of The Pelicans
As it is quite rare in Romania, the pelican has been declared a monument of nature. There are two species, which are hard to differentiate: the white pelican (Pelecanus Onocrotalus) and the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus Crispus). The Dalmatian has red eyes and is slightly