Trei zile cât o bibliotecă: România la cel mai important eveniment literar din Marea Britanie
La sfârșitul săptămânii trecute, după trei zile intense atât la scenă deschisă, cât și în întâlniri tehnice, participarea românească la Târgul de Carte de la Londra a luat sfârșit, lăsând în urmă câteva deschideri instituționale și editoriale care,
Participarea României la Târgul de Carte de la Londra – o celebrare a traducătorilor, editorilor şi promotorilor literaturii române în Marea Britanie
Literatura română este prezentă pentru a şasea oară consecutiv, cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român, la cel mai mare eveniment literar organizat în Marea Britanie, Târgul Internațional de Carte de la Londra, dedicat mai cu seamă profesioniștilor din industria
Ana Mărgineanu, la Festivalul „CrossCurrents” din Washington
Regizoarea Ana Mărgineanu reprezintă România, cu sprijinul Institutului Cultural Român din New York, la Festivalul „CrossCurrents” din Washington, D. C. (5-11 mai), într-un proiect derulat sub egida cluster-ului EUNIC din capitala americană și realizat în
The Tomis Sculpture Treasure
Tomis (the former name of the city of Constantza, Romania, situated on the shore of the Black Sea) is a 2550 year-old Greek city that has a historical past overlain with the constructions of the modern city. The name of the city comes from Constanta, an old quarter of the
Icebergs Ahead!
an interview with Cristian LASCUCristian Lascu is editor in chief of National Geographic Romania, a speleologist and researcher. His CV features a variety of activities and awards: he is a national judo champion, scuba diver, founder of the Group for Underwater and Speleological
The City Is Beautiful When Asleep
An interview with Dumitru Gorzo by Andreea Ciupercă Dumitru Gorzo from Maramuresh made friends with the Capital that gave him everything, and now he's heading for New York. 'The first time I came to Bucharest, I thought I would die after three days. I somehow
The Past: Plus Quam Perfectum
Bucharest is a city in search of identity. Its precise moment of birth is unknown, for the Cetatea Dîmboviţei of the 14th and 15th centuries only played host to its rulers when they occasionally came to ward off threats from south of the Danube or Hungarian attacks form
The New Man
An Individual without Individualism To a new society – a new man. Naturally, one would not fancy a communist world inhabited by middle-class people in disguise. That was the most delicate problem raised by transformist mythology. One could not rebuild the economy and
Yesterday Will Be Another Day
I wonder if nature always plays the same game (Einstein) Of course I was coming from sleep, how else is a day supposed to start? However, I didn't know much about the world I was coming from. On the other hand, the world I had landed in should have been very familiar
On Armenian Writers
When I was asked to write these lines, I thought I had got it wrong, or they had gone to the wrong person. Writing about Ştefan Agopian and Bedros Horasangian (I give their names in alphabetical order, but who knows what may come out of it, you're never too sure with
excerpt I am going to tell you of things that happened back in 1960 or 1961, when I was still a little girl, no more than 12 years old. I was living with my family in Moşilor Street, in one of those queer houses, with the second floor protruding a little, with two very
Voyage To Southern Russia And Crimea, Through Hungary, Wallachia And Moldavia (Paris, 1837)
excerpts Chapter III: BUCHAREST-WALLACHIA (…) My advice to the fatigued traveler who arrives in Bucharest is to pay his first visit to the excellent Turkish baths which we were to try ourselves soon. These establishments, mostly situated in the quarter by the Dâmboviţa