
Alice Voinescu And Her Universe

Today's reader will be disclosed a universe, in this diary, for the reenactment of which one may only draw back on occasional reference points; these, in their turn, might prove incomplete or improper, possibly misleading, directly correspondent with the historical

Political Diary

*  Sunday, March 31, 1940Rotten weather. I stay indoors and work, bringing my Diary to date. The French and the British hold frequent, definitely long conferences – now in Paris, now in London – attended by militaries and politicians. This incessant activity evinces

The Mourning Face Of Otherness

Un sot n'a pas assez d'étoffe pour être bon. La Rochefoucauld Let alone the characteristics of the genre, Mihail Sebastian's Diary is a confession about relationships with the other set against the background of rising anti-Semitism between the two World

Titu Maiorescu - Diary And Letters

Titu Maiorescu's diary is an unprecedented publishing event and, in its own way, unique in Romanian literature, by both the nature and value of the notes and by the length in time it covers – 62 years – and by the age of the author who had barely turned 15 when

The Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater - Events And Projects 2001-2002

The only self-relying public dance company in Romania, the Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater carries out an extremely complex and sustained activity mirrored in the diversity of its productions and projects. In 1999 the company opened its gates to the personalities of the Romanian

Requiem - Interview With Gigi Căciuleanu

Interview with Gigi Căciuleanu about the performance staged as an absolute première in Constanţa – June 2000 To Gigi Căciuleanu, Romanian choreographer living in France, who left Romania in 1972 to win a wager with himself – the freedom to create in a world free

An Interview With Gigi Căciuleanu - June 1999

Gigi Căciuleanu is one of the most important and original personalities in the world of contemporary dance. He is a graduate of the ChoreographyHigh School in Bucharest. He studied with Messerer Varlamov in Moscow. A decisive influence on his entire career came from the

Hanţiu, Călin Eugen

Ballet dancer (b. 16 July 1957, Năsăud/Bistriţa). ChoreographyHigh School in Cluj-Napoca, graduation 1976, teacher Adrian Mureşan. Romanian Opera House in Cluj-Napoca (1976-1979). Soloist, ODBT* in Constanţa (1979-1988), Opera House in Gera and Opera House in Dresden-GDR

Without Oleg Danovski But Nevertheless With Him

The stature of a personality can also be measured through the achievements that outlive it. Besides the shows he created, the ballet company he founded and the dancers he formed, this year's fifth edition of the Oleg Danovski National Ballet Contest in Constanţa stands

The Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater

Managing Director, Oleg Danovski Ballet Theater Oleg Danovski's unquestioned merit lay in resisting the temptation of accepting to be turned into a ritual by the critique and the cultural bureaucracy, and in having launched, in the '80s, a first off the opera

Manuel Pelmuş - Interview

Contemporary dance choreographers work on gestures. They do not necessarily have to be beautiful or interesting, but simply natural. Every single emotion expressed. The dancer always performs something, interprets something, lives that moment either through gesture, movement

A Recital For All Those Who Love Dance

On May 20, on the occasion of the International Dance Day, the stage of the National Opera hosted a ballet recital. The performance proper was preceded by an opening speech by Mihai Brediceanu, the president of the Dancers', Choreographers' and Music Critics'