Tel aviv

Academia de Vară EUNIC

Academia de Vară EUNIC este mai mult decât un program anual, este deja o tradiţie şi un prilej extraordinar pentru tinerii angajaţi ai institutelor culturale membre EUNIC de a se cunoaşte şi de a intra în dialog despre posibile proiecte comune şi chiar despre viitorul

My Aunts From Tel Aviv

excerpt Big scandal occasioned by Remembrance Day and Independence Day (Yom Ha-Zikaron, Yom Ha-Hatzmaut), because the Minister of the Armed Forces ordered 40,000 Israeli flags in Taiwan instead of the domestic industry, preferring foreign silk,and this friend of mine who

Romanian Theater For Children On Tour

The echo of the rich activity of Romanian theater for children on four continents has surpassed even that of theater for adults. This was possible because, in 1965, eleven countries, including Romania, founded in Paris, ASSITEJ – the International Association of Theater