
Alexandru Panaitescu – Ioana Grigorescu • The Path of Sincerity

Traducere în limba engleză a albumului monografic dedicat arhitectei Ioana Grigorescu, lucrarea aduce în atenția publicului internațional viața și opera uneia dintre cele mai importante personalități din arhitectura românească a secolului XX. O parte importantă

Greek Artists In The Romanian Principalities

If Byzantium had been a close synthesis, Romanian art would be different from Byzantine art. But the Byzantine synthesis has remained always fresh and as such incorporates everything that, with added elements, has been accomplished by Romanians. Nicolae Iorga (1871-1940) Assuming

The Greeks

We do not hate the Greeks; quite to the contrary, we love them and we share the same heritage: a nationality to build; for we have the same interests, the same pains, the same hopes; and when we say 'we love them' we can bring proofs to support this statement:

The Bulgarians

Although not in large numbers, the Bulgarians have been the southern neighbors of the Romanians for centuries. They are a varied community in respect to religious confession, but united in matters of language and culture.  Short historyThe Catholic Bulgarians from Banat

A Brief Overview Of The Armenian Community In Romania

Editor-in-chief of Ararat The oldest evidence of Armenian presence on Romanian territory is an inscription on a tombstone dating back to 967; it was found at the White Fortress (Cetatea Alba). At around the same time, the presence of an Armenian colony in Transylvania is