

Mythology, just like the vernacular, is a product of the folk spirit that does not excel in speculation but finds an unconscious, spontaneous, inspired, and not-at-all roundabout way of expression. Mythology presents in all sincerity the attitude of primitive man towards

The Bear Tricked By The Fox

Once upon a time, there was a sly fox, as foxes are. She'd been prowling for food all night and couldn't find any. When dawn broke, the fox came out to the side of the road and lay down under a bush, wondering what else she could do to find something to eat. As

Zoomorphic Interpretations In Ancient Constanta

Mithras, 1st century AD, Tomis The God Mithras stabbing the bull, 1st century AD, Gura Dobrogei (animal sacrifices in ancient meteorology)The god Mithras, the divinity of weather prediction A beautiful piece of white marble, discovered at Cumpana, close to Constanta,

Doina Condrea Derer - Silvio Guarnieri. Universitar în România şi Italia, 2009, 196 p.

Silvio Guarnieri (1910–1993), literat italian preocupat deopotrivă de istorie şi cultură în general, de pe poziţia unui intelectual ale cărui principii etice îl legitimează în rolul de instanţă morală, a trăit zece ani în România (1938–1948), perioadă

Studiul 3. Prolog (album), 2009, 236 p.

Studiul 3. Prolog / prezentare grafică: Constantin Flondor Versiune în limba engleză: Samuel Onn Cu un sfert de secol în urmă (1985), un grup de artişti deschidea la Căminul Artei din Bucureşti o expoziţie cu un titlu sugestiv: Floarea de măr, momentul fondării

The Mole

Today, from her dark and humid lairChildren have hoed a mole bare… Soft body, cool as the soilFaint gloss, like the hair of the deadIn front of them, she stilled in awful dread,She didn’t look, she didn’t screamBut, out of fear,She crouched and shed a tear.  And

The Collections Of The ‘Grigore Antipa’ National Museum Of Natural History

see Gallery The cultural and historical essence, identity and creative source of a nation all reside in its cultural heritage. It therefore has considerable historical, aesthetic, sociological and scientific value, and should be protected by society through laws, institutions

On Mountain Paths

excerpt The next day at dawn, after brief consideration with Pisicutza, after I gave her all the necessary advice, told her how to walk and keep her balance among the steep cliffs of the mountain valleys, and, above all, after I was convinced that she understood me and

Lynx: The Hunted Hunter

 Once upon a time1 in the deep, dark woods, a group of hunters came with their arrows and killed lots of game. And then they had a feast of fried meat and the finest wine. When the party was over and everybody was asleep, silence once again returned to the woods, but some

The Diversity Of Fauna In The Vadu Area

 Greek tortoise in Dobruja (Testudo graeca ibera) (CONSTANTA COUNTY), PART OF THE DANUBE DELTA BIOSPHERE RESERVE The many and diverse species of animals and plants seen in the Danube Delta, many of which have a high scientific, ecological and esthetical value; the patchwork

Seahorses From The Black Sea Are Facing Extinction

see image The reservation is decaying because the Grigore Antipa National Research Institute doesn't have any more funds to administrate it. Tourists, who often have access to the border of the reservation, take the seahorses home as souvenirs. Few tourists who come


Michel Pastoureau, director at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, where he teaches the history of western symbolism, has recently published a volume called Famous animals (2008). Until the 1960's, the animal kingdom had been neglected by historians. Now it is an integral