Icebergs Ahead!
an interview with Cristian LASCUCristian Lascu is editor in chief of National Geographic Romania, a speleologist and researcher. His CV features a variety of activities and awards: he is a national judo champion, scuba diver, founder of the Group for Underwater and Speleological
From The Mountains To The Sea
During autumn and winter, migrating peregrines come to our country from the north, looking for prey in the fields as well. However, the ones who nest here can also be seen in the mountains during the warm season. Another bigger bird of prey, which also lives in rocky regions,
The Goldfinch
Minstrel— how your coat is patched!Joy into our homes you’ve hatched. Under the bright and credulous gaze of a child, I sat last night and listened to his story. Once upon a time—a long, long time ago—we were caught in a dreary winter. Snowstorms had filled up
On People And Horses
see photos an interview with Marian Chiseliţe, photojournalist Marian Chiseliţe, 31, has a degree in law but he never went into practice, although he very much wanted to. He had all sorts of jobs, even working as a “transport coordinator dispatcher” for a truck company,
A Canine Epiphany
Mister Kă is closely watching a pair of young-people-not-actually-young-seen-from-up-close, that pair of young-people-in-the-distance-who-look-different-from-up-close, that pair is getting on bus #92, the bus which is taking you, taking everybody, in the direction of the
The Legendary Wolf: A Shy Killer
The one and only wildlife reserve for wolves in Romania is near Zarnesti, Brasov County. Still, it is weird that, in a country where the wolf threat is used to make children behave themselves and Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale almost assimilated as folklore, a reserve
Burse pentru traducători în formare
Burse pentru traducători în formare Programul de burse, derulat de ICR prin Centrul Naţional al Cărţii, îşi propune formarea unei noi generaţii de traducători ai literaturii române într-un număr cât mai mare de limbi străine precum şi o colaborare mai strânsă
Revista care poartă azi numele de Euresis a fost fondată în anul 1973 cu titlul Cahiers Roumains d'Études Littèraires (C. R. E. L. ) şi a apărut sub egida şi în regia editurii Univers condusă atunci de Romul Munteanu. Direcţia propriu-zisă a revistei i-a
The Night When I Really Liked The People’s House
Curator: Marilena Oprescu, Artmix Cultural Association Photo: Mircea Maieru In the early 1990s, everyone thought that we could get rid of the People's House. But some proposals, like to demolish it partially or completely, to bury it under a hill, etc. , seemed utopian
From Vienna For Bucharest
A native of Constanta born under the sign of Cancer, therefore dependent on the sea, the sun, the sand and the seagulls, a couple of months ago I moved to Vienna (no sight of the sea), after having spent four years in Bucharest (no sight of the sea) during my years of college
Uncommon Transport Or How Three Buses Were Detoured Directly To The Lane Of An Imaginary Realm
see photos see movie This summer, the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Ilotopie theater group proposed a new form of a public transportation line for Bucharesters: a transportation out of line! For almost a week, three buses belonging to the RATB public transportation
Bucharest Days, A Popular Celebration
The inhabitants of Bucharest came out of their homes in great numbers last weekend to celebrate their city, on the anniversary of 549 years since its first being mentioned in a document. Over one hundred events, taking place in 30 locations, brought entertainment for every