Delta And Anti-Delta
The Danube flows in accordance with all theories and definitions. After crossing Europe, it flows into the Black Sea, forming a delta which conforms entirely to the general definition of a delta. Over the centuries, the Danube had many other names: Danubius, Istrus, Histru,
The Danube Delta
At the end of the Danube, where the 2859-kilometre river meets the Black Sea, there lies the youngest land in Romania, in part formed only in the last two millennia: the Danube Delta. As a matter of interest, we should mention that in the immediate vicinity can be found
The Danube Delta As A Living Environment And Its Biological Characteristics
excerpt The principal characteristic of the Danube Delta, a region in which water predominates over land, resides in the preponderance of aquatic organisms. From a scientific point of view, nor are the non-flooding land areas of the Delta lacking in interest, such as the
I Put My Head...
I put my head – I pledged my head – in a bowl of plaster, right ear first, then left ear. The molding caught my hair and I had a hard time taking my head out; I had to cut my hair. Then I had to crop it, and from the cuttings I added to what had been caught in plaster,
Queer figures constitute the salt and pepper of literature since, at least, Petronius's Satyricon and Apuleius's The Golden Ass. Writers are mesmerized by irregular minds, behavioral oddities and abnormalities because people at large crave for the dark side. From
Proud Dislikes
Just like all the other peoples, when they don't hate them outright, many Romanians have less than a high opinion of their neighbors: Bulgarians are seen as coarse – but resourceful – vegetable growers, Hungarians – as bloodthirsty (but proud, hardworking, reliable)
Ideas And Ideology In Interwar Romania
For the Romanian cultural psyche, the interwar period still appears, after so many decades of indefatigable exegesis, as a real, alluring and embarrassing hortus conclusus, a closed garden of paradisiacal, yet so venomous intellectual flourishing. Major cultural achievements
The Paradise Of Perpetual Quiet
Are there places in the universe where the endurance of legends can overcome an often hostile reality? This issue was inspired by Romania's good luck in owning the Danube Delta, combined with its fear that this territory may not be protected to the extent required
The Truth About Romania's Children
(not for children's use) For many years after the fall of communism, the association between Romania and children meant a hellhole: European champions of neonatal and infant mortality (16. 7 % in 2003, down from 26. 9 % in 1990), juvenile AIDS (almost 9000 cases of
Salonul European de Bandă Desenată
Pentru a marca marea diversitate a benzii desenate europene, centrele culturale din Bucureşti s-au reunit în cadrul unei mari manifestări dedicate celei de-a noua arte. Din 28 octombrie până pe 21 noiembrie, la Galeria ¾ – MNAC (în clădirea Teatrului Naţional),
Festivalul Klezmer & More / 16-19 iunie 2011 / Green Hours, București
Mult timp klezmer, această muzică specifică evreilor din Europa Centrală şi de Sud-Est, a fost dată uitării, însă în ultimele decenii muzicieni tineri și talentați din întreaga lume se dedică revitalizării ei. Inspirați de succesul festivalului Jazz Meets
Stephan Eleutheriades
Ediție îngrijită/an edition supervised by Elisabeta Moraitakis Concepția grafică, DTP și coperta/ Graphic design, layout and cover: Ofelia Coșman Versiune engleză/ English version: Samuel Onn Revizie versiune engleză/ English version revised by Adrian Solomon