The Pressure Of Tourism Is Great, But It Can Be Controlled If We Want To
At 33, Daniel Petrescu, born in Letea, in the Danube Delta, an ornithologist by profession, organized at Sutu Palace in Bucharest his first photographic exhibition, entitled rather plainly Snapshots from Nature. It was in October 2006. A month later, the superb images of
Save The Danube And Its Delta - Catavencu Academy Association
Governor of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve AuthorityPresident of Save the Delta-AC Association The association Save The Danube And Its Delta-Catavencu Academy (aka Save the Delta-AC) is a non-governmental organization founded in May 2004, whose purpose is to protect the
Preserve The Largest Wild Bird Region In Europe!
President of the German Nature Conservation Trust I was born and raised so close to the still tiny Bavarian Danube that I could observe the lime leaves in our garden, swept away into the river by the autumn wind. As an infant, I used to squat amongst the willow stalks on
The Bystroye Canal In The Ukrainian Danube Delta
SUMMARY On May 11 2004, the Ukrainian government officially launched the construction of a canal to aid shipping through the Danube Delta. The actual digging started on 16 May 2004. The Government has chosen a route called the Bystroye Canal that will cut through the heart
The Maritime Cemetery Of Sulina
I enter Sulina as one would enter a myth; that is to say, I have that feeling of chimerical quality, of life heightened into memory. The ship sets anchor, therefore I find myself at Sulina, the gateway to the Delta, watching the white countenance of the town, the neatly
Sulina - A European Destiny
Institute for Ecomuseum Research in Tulcea Sulina is the easternmost settlement on Romanian – and the EU – territory, with a distinct history of its own. The oldest mention of the name 'Sulina' (Selinas) is found in the work De administrando Imperio, written
Towards Sulina
On the arm… downstream. Facing a grove with sparse trees, the Danube pauses in an endless lake, segregating at the bottom. Silvery waved, the Saint George Arm rushes to the right – a dead arm, with no fishermen's boats on it, only a decrepit Turkish town the likes
Jacques Yves Cousteau And The Unique Natural Park
excerpt Commander Jacques Cousteau first met Romania at the beginning of his career and came back after 1990 in order to evaluate the quality of the environment, study the pollution and its consequences on the environment, and formulate opinions on how to protect the life
Quote Cousteau
It is a wonder that the Danube, the only river in the world to cross seven countries and two important capitals, collects along its 2860 kilometers of erstwhile blue waters thousands upon thousands of tons of waste spilled out by a savage, destructive civilization, obstinately
The Tulcea Art Museum - Art Pantheon For The Romanian Artists
The so many-colored landscapes of Dobruja have always attracted artists, fascinated by the intense light, specific to this region, either because they were searching for the sunny banks of the Danube river or the shores of the sea or because the Oriental vividness of the
Romanian Dishes, Wines, And Habits
excerpts THE DELTA ISLAND An island: the most spectacular and unusual part of Romania, neither water nor land. Isolated, lacustrine, villages, depending very much on nature and fishing, a labyrinth of lakes, canals, realms overflowing with wildlife. An extraordinarily
Ryna, A Film By Ruxandra Zenide
Color photo©2000-07 OutNow. CH: Dorotheea Petre in RynaB&W photo©2000-07 OutNow. CH: Ruxandra Zenide click here to see trailer A Pacific Films/Strada Film/Elefant Films/TSR co-production. Produced by Eric Garoyan, Xavier Ruiz, Catalin Mitulescu. Directed by Ruxandra