Souls For Sale
Unlike Poles, Czechs or Hungarians, most Romanians were left with something after communism: a home in an apartment building or a house with a front yard, a villa if your father worked for the Securitate (the Romanian secret services), a piece of land or just some land in
The City's Ugliest Square
Clockwise from top left: Revolution Square, Maniu statue, Coposu bust, Hilton Athenee Palace, Kretzulescu Church, University Library, Ataturk bust, Carol I equestrian statue. Post-revolutionary administrators of the capital city have managed to turn the birth place of the
Grigore Antipa In The Bucharest Of The Beginning Of The 20th Century
Grigore Antipa Museum of Natural History Having returned to the country after finishing his studies his studies and his PhD. thesis, awarded summa cum laude at the famous University of Jena, on 1 April 1893 Dr. Grigore Antipa was appointed director of the Zoology department
Bucharest – An Oddity Surviving Against All Odds
Bucharest (Rom. Bucureşti) has been some sort of oddity since the very first days of its existence. The legend has it that it was founded by a shepherd, named Bucur, and it was later named after him. Not remotely as glorious a godparent as the goddess of wisdom (the case
The Past: Plus Quam Perfectum
Bucharest is a city in search of identity. Its precise moment of birth is unknown, for the Cetatea Dîmboviţei of the 14th and 15th centuries only played host to its rulers when they occasionally came to ward off threats from south of the Danube or Hungarian attacks form
The History Of Nothing: Contemporary Architecture And Public Space In Romania
Richard Rogers Partnership proposal, 1996People's House (Parliament) After 1989: Methods of researching the built environmentResearching Communist architecture is a tricky endeavor in contemporary Romania, where some major actors of that era are still alive, some even
The Friend From Abroad
Clockwise from top left: People's House, wood church in Romanian Peasant Museum yard, Opera House, Stavropoleos Church, Athenaeum, Caru cu bere pub. Every time I have to recommend some sightseeing in our town to the friend/ acquaintance/ work colleague coming from
A Century Of Our Past And Our European Identity Are Being Destroyed
Armenian Church; St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cathedral; Stirbey house on Calea Victoriei excerpts from the debate organized by Ileana Foundation for Contemporary Fine Arts and Modern Architecture in Romania, hosted at UNA Gallery on May 12th 2008 Nowadays, the oldest
Little Paris
top row: Lipscani diggings, Unirea shoping center, house in Romanian Peasant Museum yard, National Museum of Contemporary Art bottom row: Collections Museum on Calea Victoriei, University Sq. , dilapidated building on Lipscani St. , old house on Mantuleasa St. It seems
Mascaras Para El Rostro Del Mundo
„Amer savoir, celui qu'on tire du voyage ! Le monde monotone et petit, aujourd'hui, Hier, demain, toujours, nous fait voir notre image: Une oisis d'horreur dans un désert d'ennui ! (Ch. Baudelaire, Le voyage) („ ¡Amarga enseňanza que uno saca
Cuando Estoy En El Tablado Es Como Si Estuviera En Un Templo
Entrevista con y sobre GELU BARBUpublicada en CURIERUL ROMÂNESC(El Mensajero rumano)Año XV, nr. 10 (201), octubre de 2003 El arte del espectáculo auténtico es y seguirá siendo un mundo fascinante, por doquiera y cuando quiera, que a todos nos hace falta. El espejismo
Tarde De Sabado
Tras la muerte de mi madre se produjo también mi divorcio de la musica. Sin intentar imponérmelo: de por sí. No me prohibí, en señal de luto, escuchar música, sino meramente ya no podía escuchar música, El «raciocinio» inconsciente que me impuso tal actitud podría