

Mythology, just like the vernacular, is a product of the folk spirit that does not excel in speculation but finds an unconscious, spontaneous, inspired, and not-at-all roundabout way of expression. Mythology presents in all sincerity the attitude of primitive man towards

The Bear Tricked By The Fox

Once upon a time, there was a sly fox, as foxes are. She'd been prowling for food all night and couldn't find any. When dawn broke, the fox came out to the side of the road and lay down under a bush, wondering what else she could do to find something to eat. As

Seahorses From The Black Sea Are Facing Extinction

see image The reservation is decaying because the Grigore Antipa National Research Institute doesn't have any more funds to administrate it. Tourists, who often have access to the border of the reservation, take the seahorses home as souvenirs. Few tourists who come

The Joy Of Releasing A White-Tailed Eagle

 Szilard by Sos Tibor see also www. sor. ro If tourists who love nature keep their eyes open for the numerous wonders the mysterious watery realm of the Danube Delta has to offer, they will almost certainly notice great birds of prey gliding in circles in the sky which

Traditional Animal Ecology

see Gallery In the case of primitive or rural cultures, one can undoubtedly speak of elements of ecology well before the term itself was ever used. This is even more natural when considering that the life of traditional communities maintained an organic relationship with

The Raven: A Totem Or A Bad Omen

Scientific classification Class AVES Order PASSERIFORMES Family CORVIDAE Sub-family CORVINAE Genera and species CORVUS CORAX CORAX – the raven CORVUS CORONE CORONE – the black crow CORVUS FRUGILENUS FRUGILENUS – the rook   COLEUS MONEDULA SPERMOLOGUS – the Jackdaw

Killer Bears

More bear attacks occur each year, often in cities or villages, with human victims killed or severely wounded. Romania is now known as the country of the 6,000 bears, at a time when the optimum calculated number would be 4,400. So, this country has the largest number of

Icebergs Ahead!

an interview with Cristian LASCUCristian Lascu is editor in chief of National Geographic Romania, a speleologist and researcher. His CV features a variety of activities and awards: he is a national judo champion, scuba diver, founder of the Group for Underwater and Speleological

The Goldfinch

Minstrel— how your coat is patched!Joy into our homes you’ve hatched.  Under the bright and credulous gaze of a child, I sat last night and listened to his story. Once upon a time—a long, long time ago—we were caught in a dreary winter. Snowstorms had filled up

One Spring Morning

With his empty game bag and rifle on his shoulder, Loveţ the woodsman was slowly walking up the path stretching under the hill. A silly cuckoo was singing in the ash trees on the nearby summit; from the valley, another cuckoo answered its call. The forest had almost leafed

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale 2010

Noaptea Institutelor Culturale, unul din cele mai populare evenimente culturale bucureştene, a ajuns pe 25 iunie 2010 la cea de-a patra ediţie. Din seara zilei de 25 până în dimineaţa zilei de 26 iunie, s-au desfăşurat în jur de 70 de evenimente în 11 locuri din

Nr. 70 - vara 2009

SUMAR Nr. 70 Inedit Emil Cioran – De la France (fragment din volumul cu acelaşi titlu apărut la Editura L'Herne în 2009, care reproduce primele pagini ale scrierii datând din 1941. Textul este tipărit în premieră în România, prin bunăvoinţa editurilor