
The Truth About Romania's Children

(not for children's use) For many years after the fall of communism, the association between Romania and children meant a hellhole: European champions of neonatal and infant mortality (16. 7 % in 2003, down from 26. 9 % in 1990), juvenile AIDS (almost 9000 cases of

EURESIS / 2014

ArgumentWOLFGANG ISER – Culture: a recursive process CHRISTIAN MORARU – Cultural Studies Goes Global CĂLIN-ANDREI MIHĂILESCU – Unpacking knowledge JAN GORAK – Johnson on Shakespeare: The Use and Value of Spectatorship ANCA BĂICOIANU – Here, There, and Everywhere:

EURESIS / 2010

The current volume brings together a number of papers that were initially presented at the Conference, organised between the 23rd to the 25th of November 2006, by the “Tudor Vianu” Interdisciplinary Centre of European and Romanian Cultural Studies – an academic research


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George Tzipoia – Muzica în arta lui Alexandru Țipoia / Music in the art of Alexandru Țipoia

Muzica în arta lui Alexandru Țipoia / Music in the art of Alexandru ȚipoiaSimfonia fantastică a operei/ The Fantastic Symphony of the Oeuvreediție bilingvă (română-engleză)Album coordonat de / Album coordinated by George Tzipoia și arh. Victoria TzipoiaConcepție