
An Innocent Abroad

When Mark Twain published the elaborate account of his Old World tour, The Innocents Abroad, America was still young, as a nation, and not yet proud of its culture. To avoid any tasteless outcry of admiration, driven by the contact with the vestiges of lost civilizations

The Transfiguration Of Romania

Chapter 3Romania's Psychological and Historical Voids If it were true that the Romanian's spiritual disposition does not surpass the one evinced in the past and that the future is not going to uncover any hidden sides to the Romanian soul, then any attempt to

Vocation, A Decisive Factor In The Culture Of Nations

Chapter VIII – The vocation of Romanians1. Expressions through which a people demonstrates its calling2. Misguidance in the study of Romanian vocation3. Characteristics of Romanian culture in the past4. Romanian reality as opposing Europeanization5. Emphasizing individual

The Thirties. The Romanian Extreme Right

Chapter IIROMANIANISM AND AUTOCHTHONISMexcerpts Continuing the clash of ideas of the previous decades, the 1930s too witnessed a confrontation on the evolution formula of the Romanian make-up. Two directions were pitted against each other. One favorable to the maintenance

Eulogy To The Romanian Peasant

Maiden Speech at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 1940excerpts Gentlemen of the Academy,Honorable Audience, I am elected to a newly-established institution, and I wish to preserve the academic tradition of lauding a forerunner, therefore I feel obliged to come forward with

The Mioritza Space

excerpts We have wondered many times if it is possible to find or to hypothetically build a matrix-space, or an unconscious spatial horizon, as an underlying spiritual layer for the Romanian folk culture anonymous creations. The subject is worth the risk of any and all


RECORDINGS WITH ORCHESTRAS ABROAD Orchestra Author Work Company 1. Radio Berlin Orchestra Haydn Symphonies 94, 103 CD Electrecord 2. Radio Berlin Orchestra Rossini – Respighi, de Falla La boutique fantasque, LPElectrecord The Three-Cornered Hat, Suites 1 and 2 3. Radio

A Young 50-Year Old Conductor

With Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, Horia Andreescu endowed his own anniversary (50 years of life, which is both little and a lot in the life of a conductor) with a well-deserved brilliancy. On the other hand, while defining his assuredness, the merits of a 27-year career

Speech Read On The Radio And Published In August 1970

A few days back, a shattering piece of news darkened our souls and filled our eyes with tears: the heart of the great Romanian musician Ionel Perlea has stopped. Unable to contain this terrible pain, our memory revisited in one instant the unique days he gave us in that

The Conductor

The Romanian realm has given great creating spirits to the world, in all fields of activity: philosophers, historians, sociologists, scientists that made epoch-making discoveries, inventors, writers (poets, prose writers, and dramatists), brilliant musicians, painters, and

George Georgescu's Image In My Mind And Soul

Director of the George Enescu Philharmonic in Bucharest At a certain point, the evolution of Romanian culture goes through a moment when, owing to strong personalities, the distance separating it from the level attained by the universal culture is suddenly annulled, and

Conductors And Directors

Now and then, some people group together to form a team. They do it in order to set up a company, to enact a play, or to make music. They can manage by themselves as long as a family business, a play with quite a few characters or an evening of chamber music is concerned.