
1996 - Two International Awards

With good reason, Ion Caramitru, the new minister of culture, said in a recent television show that, if from the political and economic viewpoints we must still make efforts to align to the European standards, from the cultural point of view we have been in the European

Mălina Andrei And The Terpsichora Group

Mălina Andrei is yet another young creator whose presence is being increasingly felt in our choreographic landscape. This year she will graduate from the Academy of Theater and Motion Pictures, the choreography section, but she already teaches contemporary dancing at the

Marinel Ştefănescu - Interview, 2000

Marinel Ştefănescu graduated from the Choreographic School in Bucharest. He is awarded the 1st prize at the International Contest in Varna and the Special prize of the International Contest in Moscow. He becomes first dancer of the Opera House in Bucharest, being invited

Trends In Promoting Romanian Choreographic Art

It is the third consecutive year when the town of the Union becomes, for three days, the capital of Romanian Contemporary Ballet. Or even of the entire Romanian ballet, one might say, since there is no other reunion of national choreographic forces yet, either complementary

George Iancu - Interview

The stars of ballet travel almost ceaselessly: Paris today, Rome or Buenos Aires tomorrow, then prepare for a new destination. Gheorghe Iancu, dancer of Romanian origin, settled in Milan 24 years ago, is one of these Guest Stars. His body's sculptural perfection, his


I dedicate these lines to the one we, her friends and colleagues, as well as fans, used to call – and still do – Lully. That is, Ileana Iliescu. She belongs to that pleiad of prima ballerinas who built the fame of Romanian ballet, shining from the beginning of the 1960s:

Mundane And Aesthetic

choreologist  Bodily motion, coupled with human voice, both cardinal attributes complementing the complex entity that is a human being, with its entire array of phenomena. Gullet and gate may betray certain clues leading us to the character or temperament of an individual.


A first attempt at collecting in a book texts on personalities of Romanian dance or who have spent a decisive stage in their formation within the framework and in the atmosphere of a Romanian school is bound to be controversial. Although partial and subjective, the present

Editor's Note

The origins of dance are prehistoric, but rhythm, mimetism, balance, harmony, grace have gradually turned into a genuine art, perhaps the most liberating. The art of dance requires countless qualities: talent, musicality and musical culture, good physical shape and endurance,

The Dialectics Of National Self-Criticism

Some time in the autumn of 1994, Sorin Alexandrescu asked in an interview in 22 magazine why, in the canonical battle between the various radical-democrat and nationalist structures of the opposition (and of the government), more attention is not paid to the real traditions

Jungle: The Daily Dose Of Excess

excerpts Unfortunately, in this country we talk, but do not communicate, in the sense of a science of communication. This is particularly obvious in the public area, where people do not express thanks, do not salute, and address each other on familiar terms without justification.

Notes Of A Hypochondriac

The other Monday walking on Victoriei Road I met a friend. It is a well-known fact that today any guy you treat to a glass of wine at Fialkowsky's or who is in the delightful habit of bumming two or three lei from you is called a friend. Last year, this guy borrowed