
Balcica Moşescu-Măciucă – Balchik

Lucrarea apărută la Editura ICR este traducerea în limba engleză a remarcabilei monografii semnate de Balcica Moşescu-Măciucă. Mai mult decât un studiu substanțial, volumul oferă și o mărturie personală nutrită de legătura biografică intimă a autoarei cu

61 de evenimente au fost derulate de ICR în cadrul Sezonului România-Franța

Institutul Cultural Român a contribuit la Sezonul România-Franța cu 61 de evenimente, derulate în cadrul a 33 de proiecte, într-un demers unic de diplomație culturală, în perioada 27 noiembrie 2018 - 16 aprilie 2019. Teatru, dans, muzică, cinema, literatură, arte

Concertul Vladimir Cosma 50, cu participarea Orchestrei Române de Tineret, la Paris

Un maraton muzical , de peste patru ore, a avut loc la Paris, în sala Palais des Congrès, duminică, 9 octombrie, de la ora 17. Au participat 3700 de spectatori și a fost, potrivit opiniei generale, un imens succes, „un régal”. Sub bagheta lui Vladimir Cosma

Octavian Saiu - Hamlet and the Madness of the World

Translation: Samuel Onn„Octavian Saiu's passionately written, intellectually penetrating and historically informed book bases itself on three contemporary and adventurously experimental productions of Hamlet: one in New York, one in Berlin and the other in London.


„Tatăl meu, Lucian Blaga. Documentarul despre marele filosof va rula la Astra Film Festival – STIRILE TVR24 septembrie 2015 Puţini români ştiu că Lucian Blaga a fost la un pas de a aduce României în anii '50 un premiu Nobel pentru literatură. Comuniştii

Why Animalia

Animals have well-defined pigeonholes assigned by the traditional Romanian mindset. From wee to huge, all creatures are cast in distinct roles that any inhabitant of temperate geographical areas will recognize: hardworking as an ant (or bee), stupid as a goose, haughty as

Biodiversity Protection Beyond 2010

The real chance that Romania has to shelter the most numerous populations of bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes (almost 33,800 species of animals, out of which 33,085 are invertebrate and 707 are vertebrate) is what inspired us to extend this invitation to the world. The

The Ornamentation Of Horezu Ceramics

The ornamentation of Horezu ceramics The main characteristics of the geometric ornamentation of Horezu are the use of simple elements and preference for curved lines. The geometric elements used as decorative motifs are: dots, lines, circles, spirals, zig-zag, semicircles

The Bird Or The Archetype Of Lost Souls

The secret world of Dr. Nicolae Minovici (excerpt) The legends about Dr. Nicolae Minovici’s experiments, conducted at the Medico-Legal Institute in Bucharest, at the beginning of the twentieth century, are notorious. Beyond legends, Dr. Nicolae Minovici showed a real

Rare, Vulnerable, Endangered Birds In Romania

excerptsThis work puts forth essential data on a number of 101 bird species in the Romanian fauna, which are rare, vulnerable and endangered. Emphasis is laid on the hatching populations, on recent and current tendencies, on factors imposing limitations on the existence

Traditional Animal Ecology

see Gallery In the case of primitive or rural cultures, one can undoubtedly speak of elements of ecology well before the term itself was ever used. This is even more natural when considering that the life of traditional communities maintained an organic relationship with

I Saw A Bear

Yesterday I saw a bear in the woods. It was very big and it took a long look at me. I don’t know if there was carelessness, sadness, or something similar to expectation in his eyes, but it sure wasn’t anger. The woods where I saw it was Băneasa, at the Zoo on the edge