

„Tatăl meu, Lucian Blaga. Documentarul despre marele filosof va rula la Astra Film Festival – STIRILE TVR24 septembrie 2015 Puţini români ştiu că Lucian Blaga a fost la un pas de a aduce României în anii '50 un premiu Nobel pentru literatură. Comuniştii

Album monografic Dan Cioca

Ediție bilingvă (română-engleză) Prefață de Adrian-Silvan Ionescu Concepție grafică și copertă / Graphic and cover design: Dan Glăvan Texte de / Texts by: Adrian-silvan Ionescu, Iolanda Malamen, Cătălin Davidescu, Dan Grigorescu, Titus Mocanu, Grigore Arbore,

Silvan. Portretistul / The Portrait Artist, 2011, 190 p.

Introducere, cronologie şi selecţia lucrărilor de Adrian-Silvan Ionescu. Ediţie bilingvă (română-engleză) Istoricul şi criticul de artă Adrian Silvan Ionescu adună în acest album o parte importantă din creaţia tatălui său, celebrul portretist SILVAN


excerpt I blindfolded the birdsWith a veil of cloudsAnd I told them to catch meAnd the birds caught meWith a song.  . . .  Translated by Adrian Solomon by Marin Sorescu (1931-1996)


Jurnalul Naţional, 24 noiembrie 2009 Autor: Costin Anghel Cântecul românesc s-a făcut auzit serile trecute în inima Timocului sârbesc, la Bor. România a trimis la fraţii ei mai mici pe unul dintre cei mai de seamă interpreţi ai ţării, pe maestrul Tudor Gheorghe.

Eurodance '97

Having reached its sixth edition, The International Festival of Choreographic Creation tends to become emblematic of the small sweet town of Iaşi. Somewhat pompously named Eurodans '97, it took place this year in a scenery saturated with pilgrims, guards, strikers,

For As Little As One Life

Grasp the tray of each dayWith both handsAnd join the line passingBefore this counter.  There's more than enough sunFor everybody,More than enough sky,More than enough moon.  From the earth arise the aromasOf luck, happiness, and glory,Tickling your nostrilsEnticingly.

Granny And The Wrinkle Box

Granny kept next to the socksSome old wrinkles in a boxAnd whenever her mood was foul,She'd put them on to help her scowl.  Her grandson, the unruly clot,Found the wrinkles, stole the lot,Stuck them neatly to his browAnd got old that instant – WOW! Now granny's

Another Ant

An ant was walking hard and fastAnd raising plumes of densest dustAs it trampled with its feetLike a sergeant on his beat.  Where d'you think you're rushing, brute,Who's chasing you in hot pursuit?You're wreaking havoc in your rage,Disgraceful ants,

The Earth

If I remember well, we've never been underneath the Earth's shell. We'll take now a tour of sorts, in just a few words. The dashing prince lets himself slide all the way underground on a rope made from the bark of the tallest lime tree around. He goes down

The Sea, A Useful Water

The sea is for the little ones, not just for the little ones' parents and grandparents. After all, such parents at both ends do not know how to play, they say; in the sand, where they stand and you sit, on the beach, where you are so skilled with your colorful kit that's

Playing The Danube Delta

The Delta, as far as I know, looks like an ashen lake, where all day long the old pelican sits awake, a solemn fixture, awaiting a photographer to take its picture. So that he'll get a good shot, it doesn't even budge from the spot. And in its beak, that's