
Daniela Magiaru - Matei Vişniec. Mirajul cuvintelor calde, 196 p., 2010

Matei Vişniec este numele unei poveşti de succes. Ca puţini alţii, el defineşte spaţiul dramaturgic al ultimelor decenii în România, simultan, impunându-se decisiv în spaţiul francofon. Dramaturgul practică o scriitură captivantă, aparent excentrică, învăluitoare,


Mythology, just like the vernacular, is a product of the folk spirit that does not excel in speculation but finds an unconscious, spontaneous, inspired, and not-at-all roundabout way of expression. Mythology presents in all sincerity the attitude of primitive man towards

From Physiologus To Bestiary: Function And Desideratum

Towards the end of the 12th century, in full maturity of the Romanesque order—and this concordance is purely symptomatic—a new type of book was created: The Bestiary with illuminations, which would have a particular impact and an overwhelming influence among educated

Generaţia '89

Desfăşurat sub patronajul lui Václav Havel, renumit scriitor şi om politic ceh, proiectul „Generaţia '89, marchează împlinirea a două decenii de la prăbuşirea regimurilor comuniste din Europa Centrală şi de Est. Adresat celor născuţi în anul de trecere

Marina Dimitropoulos şi colecţia ei de artă românească (album), 2009, 256 p.

Ediţie bilingvă (română-engleză) „Orice colecţie particulară seamănă cu un muzeu în miniatură, un muzeu proprietate personală, destinat desfătării intelectuale a câtorva prieteni iubitori de artă. În cazul meu este artă românească, şi este colecţionată

Bucharest Days, A Popular Celebration

The inhabitants of Bucharest came out of their homes in great numbers last weekend to celebrate their city, on the anniversary of 549 years since its first being mentioned in a document. Over one hundred events, taking place in 30 locations, brought entertainment for every

Michel Bührer: Cannibal City

Michel Bührer: Bucharest A Cannibal City and White Billboards exhibition at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, 10-11 2008 Bucharest, a “Little Paris” of the ghettoThe exhibition of the Swiss Journalist Michel Bührer, Bucharest, a Cannibal City/White Billboards

Blizzard In Bucharest

a fragment from The Blind, Chapter Two of Corpuri de iluminat/ Dark Bodies Through Sfântul Ştefan, beyond the old Height and over the tramline in Bărăţiei, a phanariot and decayed Bucharest drained under the snow; a balcony fallen onto its side reminds you that once,

Public Works From The Time Of Carol I. Acts Of Founding And Commemorative Medals By Nicolae Şt. Noica

clockwise from top left (see also What's old in Gallery): The Athenaeum, The National Bank, The Palace of Justice, CEC Bank, Romanian Peasant Museum, Domnita Balasa Church, Gheorghe Lazar School, University (detail). (Lucrări publice din vremea lui Carol I. Acte

The Past: Plus Quam Perfectum

Bucharest is a city in search of identity. Its precise moment of birth is unknown, for the Cetatea Dîmboviţei of the 14th and 15th centuries only played host to its rulers when they occasionally came to ward off threats from south of the Danube or Hungarian attacks form

Cioranescu, De Vuelta A La Universidad

Filólogos e historiadores de la Universidad de La Laguna glosaron a finales de febrero la figura del profesor Alejandro Cioranescu, doctor honoris causa del centro docente, fallecido en noviembre de 1999. Unos y otros alabaron la extensa obra del escritor rumano afincado

Libro De Relecturas. La Segunda Vez

Si no se me hubiera ocurrido pasar por segunda vez por aquel lugar, seguro los recuerdos y los pensamientos de mi primer paso por allí se habrían amontonado en una concha cerebral, apocada, tal vez en espera de brotar durante un sueño pesado o, quizás, muy tarde, en