
Judith Turos: I Only Dance Parts I Believe In

If to the ordinary Romanian ballet aficionado the name Judith Turos doesn't ring a bell, to the German press she is die Turos, just like Italians say la Fracci. Born in Baia Mare, she attended the Choreography High School in Cluj and graduated from the Moscow Ballet

Requiem - Interview With Gigi Căciuleanu

Interview with Gigi Căciuleanu about the performance staged as an absolute première in Constanţa – June 2000 To Gigi Căciuleanu, Romanian choreographer living in France, who left Romania in 1972 to win a wager with himself – the freedom to create in a world free

Hanţiu, Călin Eugen

Ballet dancer (b. 16 July 1957, Năsăud/Bistriţa). ChoreographyHigh School in Cluj-Napoca, graduation 1976, teacher Adrian Mureşan. Romanian Opera House in Cluj-Napoca (1976-1979). Soloist, ODBT* in Constanţa (1979-1988), Opera House in Gera and Opera House in Dresden-GDR

Sergiu Anghel

I made my debut in 1974. I had graduated from high school the year before and in the summer of '73 Adina Cezar, Nataşa Trăistaru, Anca Mândrescu, Cristian Crăciun and I decided to establish a contemporary dance troupe. As far as I am concerned, the decision to put

All This Dance

Arabesque Graceful silhouettes, jumps, pirouettes, endless rehearsals, precision, tenacity, discipline, harmony between body, movement and music to attain the purity given off during that glissade in which glided the white ballerinas in Bacovia's poem or in a painting

Simona Şomăcescu - Interview

What impresses from the beginning at Simona Şomăcescu, is an extraordinary self-devotion through dancing, which lights up from within, like a flame, the character's personality. A vast and generous movement, a movement that fills the stage and seems to transform the

The New Generation Of Choreographers

Origins. In Experimentalism in Romanian Choreographic Art between the 60's and the 90's, published in 1997, Liana Tugearu made the following remarks: After a very short period of storing and decanting, a few young dancers broke away from the established companies

The Young Choreographers

The opening of a department of Choreography in the Theatre and Film Academy in 1991, started to produce results two years ago. The academic training offered a large cultural opening to the dancers and choreographers that studied there. I had the chance to see some of the

The International Festival Of Choreographic Creation Iaşi 1993, 2nd Edition

Iaşi proved to be, for the second time, an excellent host for The Competition-Festival of choreographic creation with international participation, initiated last year by the ballet critic Dan Brezuleanu, the director of the Festival. The artists benefited from a modern

The Secondary Takes Precedence

I am fascinated by the theory of professor Nemoianu on the long-term influence of the literary text (secondary) on political representations and ideas (principal) in the history of the Western world, as well as by a recent study on the ethos of education as the substance

Interview With Karine Saporta - 28 January 1992

Karine Saporta is considered one of the most prestigious personalities of contemporary European dance. With higher education in philosophy and sociology in France and the USA, she has continuously developed her research in the direction of dance, from video to photography.

Christine Bastin - Interview, 1991

A complex cultural program begins this month in Bucharest: La danse en voyage, organized by France for Romania. Six contemporary dance companies from France will come monthly to Bucharest, Iaşi, Timişoara, Cluj and Constanţa. Mrs. Christine Bastin, you are the first choreographer