
On Collecting And Collectors

We are all collectors. Whether it is paintings, art objects, CDs, books, stamps, insects, pipes, watches, posters, napkins, match boxes, memories, connections and many other artful, useful or simply useless things, everybody has the instinct of gathering in a personal collection

Aristide Caradja, Entomologist And Philosopher

Member of the Romanian Academy A Written Report at the Public Meeting on the 20th of April 1945 In every social group, may that be family, social class, nation, village, city, region, country, in every institution or social organization, an elite is automatically and spontaneously

Aristide Caradja, Princeps Biologorum Romaniae

I did not meet the great, indefatigable entomologist Aristide Caradja (1861-1955), but everything I have found out about him from firsthand sources has helped me understand he was a unique personality, an absolutely fascinating man. It is undoubtedly an indirect kind of

Still, What Is A Collection?

Employment of the words collection and collector seems to have a settled semantic buttressing and clarity in all its meanings. I do not think that there is such a collector who would look for an established definition of these terms in encyclopaedias. A collector is confident

At A Bibliophilist's: Ion Iliescu

Another bibliophilist concerned with theoretical problems related to rare, old book evaluation is Ion Iliescu, Aesthetics professor at the University of Timişoara, the possessor of a rich and valuable collection. Author of many papers on aesthetics (Course of General Aesthetics),

The Icon On Wood - Sacred Collection Object

Painter and collector of icons, Sergiu Savin was born in Bucovina, at Horodnic. Although he is a native of Bucovina he left his village when he was a child, and went to Transylvania. He came in touch with his native land very late, when he was about 55. He wanted one day

The Strange Art Of The Naïves. The Dr. Puiu Anceanu Collection

Alongside collectors of art works, of minerals, of butterflies, of match-boxes, of vintage automobiles, there appeared, in the early 20th century, collectors of naïve art. Daring, of good taste, discoverers by vocation, they granted civitas rights to a field as old as the

Among The Collections Of The Emil Sigerus Transylvanian Saxon Ethnographic Museum In Sibiu

click here for Emil Sigerus museum Established in 1997, the museum is an institution which brings upfront the contribution that the Transylvanian Saxons made to the development and enrichment of Romanian and world culture in over 800 years of existence in Transylvania.

How I Became A Collector

The feelings for beauty and for art in general are multiple and diverse; they follow an ascending path, turning into a passion for the sensitive person, who loves it and who vibrates with emotion in front of any artistic manifestation situated on the realm of perfection.

Victor Eftimiu

Would you please not rank me among collectors, although I pretend I am a connaisseur, in the meaning of the French word, academician Victor Eftimiu told me on one occasion in 1965, seated on a bergère, clad in a night gown, rather worn down but adorned with fine embroidery,

Poor Ioanide

excerpts IV In his office on the ground floor, Saferian, on a chair and surrounded by four men, all standing, was contemplating an oil portrait, set near them against the back of an ordinary straw chair. It is an Ingres, most certainly, said one of the four, a man with trimmed


Just think that I paid it once, and it pays me off a lifetime instead. * Zambaccian on a canvas by Pallady Having great collectors represents as big a chance for a culture as having great artists. Flourishing arts are hardly imaginable when wealthy art-lovers are missing,