
Nr. 92 / iarna 2014 - 2015

SUMAR Nr. 92RetrospectiveVirgiliu-Leon Ţârău - Trecutul sub lupăIon Vianu - Memoria: Monument, Judecată, Magistra VitaeKarl Schlögel - Un premiu carolingian pentru itinerariile europeneBedros Horasangian - Dosar 1915Cultură şi istorieDIALOG Perry Anderson - Suleiman

O lume văzută de la Ierusalim. Alte întâlniri la Cercul Cultural din Ierusalim 2007-2013

O lume văzută de la Ierusalim Alte întâlniri la Cercul Cultural din Ierusalim 2007-2013 Organizate de Costel Safirman și Leon Volovici Consemnate și editate de Costel Safirman ISBN: 978-973-577-658-9 Cuprins Cuvânt înainte 1. TEME ȘI REFLECȚII Miturile Europei

Restrictions In The Retezat National Park

Rhododendron on Bucura lakeshore by Cristina LazaroniRestrictions have their place in a national parkMany people know why there are restrictions in a national park and agree with them. I have received various questions from tourists wanting to know why, in the Retezat National

A Vision Of Paradise

The Retezat National Park is a vision of paradise, truly one of the wonders of the world An interview with Zoran Acimov, Director of the Retezat National Park, by Ion Longin Popescu The blue-eyed realm, that's how tourist guides introduce the place when they talk

The Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geo-park

The Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geo-park ( is, above all, the place where history may be studied in all of its layers, but also an area where palaeontologists are on a double watch – for fossils and for dinosaur bone thieves. In 1975, when the representatives of the Bucharest

On Mountain Paths

excerpt The next day at dawn, after brief consideration with Pisicutza, after I gave her all the necessary advice, told her how to walk and keep her balance among the steep cliffs of the mountain valleys, and, above all, after I was convinced that she understood me and

The Joy Of Releasing A White-Tailed Eagle

 Szilard by Sos Tibor see also www. sor. ro If tourists who love nature keep their eyes open for the numerous wonders the mysterious watery realm of the Danube Delta has to offer, they will almost certainly notice great birds of prey gliding in circles in the sky which

From The Mountains To The Sea

During autumn and winter, migrating peregrines come to our country from the north, looking for prey in the fields as well. However, the ones who nest here can also be seen in the mountains during the warm season. Another bigger bird of prey, which also lives in rocky regions,

On People And Horses

see photos an interview with Marian Chiseliţe, photojournalist Marian Chiseliţe, 31, has a degree in law but he never went into practice, although he very much wanted to. He had all sorts of jobs, even working as a “transport coordinator dispatcher” for a truck company,

Homeless Bears And “Stupid Idiots”

on the fight between the hulky body of the hunted and the narrow mind of the hunterYou're a stupid idiot!-thus sounded the insult addressed by a desperate man to a taxi driver, before my very own eyes. The text you are about to read is governed by this paradoxically

One Spring Morning

With his empty game bag and rifle on his shoulder, Loveţ the woodsman was slowly walking up the path stretching under the hill. A silly cuckoo was singing in the ash trees on the nearby summit; from the valley, another cuckoo answered its call. The forest had almost leafed

Costel Safirman, Leon Volovici - Noi întâlniri la Ierusalim, 2007, 526 p.

Structurat în trei secţiuni (Dezbateri – Evocări – Portrete), volumul consemnează momente elocvente ale reuniunilor din ultimii ani ale Cercului Cultural de la Ierusalim. La un deceniu şi jumătate de la înfiinţarea Cercului, „întâlnirile au devenit, după