Famous People About Enescu
Alfredo Casella: Enescu is delicate and sensitive, communicative too, like all Latins. Despite his spontaneous and amazingly rich inventiveness, his creation illustrates a process of will, which no artist can overlook. I have seen such a perfect accord between intention
George Enescu At The Beginning Of A New Millennium
The history of world music has witnessed many spectacular overturns in the hierarchy of values, when names of purely local interest whose death was not even announced in an obituary (Johann Sebastian Bach) became world famous personalities a century later. Quite often, internationally
How I First Met Brâncuşi
excerpts We want to see Brâncuşi. Do you know him? asked Florica. We're old friends. But he is ill, it's not easy to get an appointment. Anyway, let's try. On the same day, October the 13th, 1956, we met Colomba again at 'Les deux magots', among
Brâncuşi And The World Of Music
For the sparkling sculptor of modern art, music represented a secret passion. It was only after the master's death that his close friends, V. G. Paleolog and Marcel Mihalovici revealed to the world the place the art of sounds took in the atmosphere of the mysterious
Constantin Brâncuşi: The Temple Of Liberation And The Hieratic Emblem Of The Chimera
The Chimera, a sculpture carved in oak wood between 1915 and 1917-18, currently exhibited at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, has so far attracted but limited exegesis. Petru Comarnescu, in a conference held in Craiova in 1957, made reference to the body streamlined as to
Brâncuşi And The Significance Of Matter
In a holographic note drawn up in Romanian in the third person, Brâncuşi speaks about himself as about someone else and makes an important remark in connection with his relationship with materials. Turned down in 1910, he exhibited fully carved stone and marble for the
The Brâncuşian Synthesis
You have turned the antic into the modern, Rousseau le Douannier once told Brâncuşi. Those words complete very accurately the characterization suggested by Dan HÄulicÄ: He produced the century's purest classicism out of the exotic. [1] The Romanian sculptor
So they felled an old fir tree because it gave too much shade… Nicolae Iorga was the Romanian scholar par excellence whose only lifetime joy was the joy of books, and whose only ambition was to uplift the letters of his kin. by Perpessicius
History Of The Romanians - Before Decebalus
CHAPTER I 1. The Dacian Offensive: His Majesty, Decebalus Long had Rome been dealing with this headstrong Dacian people; but, having had them for some time encircled closely by other barbarians and guarded by ships on the Danube, whose function was mainly political,
Nicolae Iorga And Music
It comes as no surprise that a genuinely encyclopedic spirit of Nicolae Iorga's caliber, conversant with history, literature, religion, church, army, commerce, education, trades, guilds, arts, etc. , etc. , should be passionate about music. His existence was markedly
Nicolae Iorga
When at only 19, Nicolae Iorga (1871-1940) defended his university degree examinations one of his examining professors characterized him as a true phenomenon both in point of memory and power of ratiocination. Then Iorga worked hard in Paris and in Germany, obtaining a
The Cultural And Intellectual Life Of Bucharest
As a princely seat Bucharest was once, for the Romanian authorities, a citadel watched over by God just like Byzantium was for the Eastern Christian world. Then, naturally, it was also the place where scholars needed by the Prince's Chancellery made their studies. They