For As Little As One Life
Grasp the tray of each dayWith both handsAnd join the line passingBefore this counter. There's more than enough sunFor everybody,More than enough sky,More than enough moon. From the earth arise the aromasOf luck, happiness, and glory,Tickling your nostrilsEnticingly.
The Abiding Wounds
excerpts Most traditional stories move from a bad start to an agreeable conclusion. The story I am going to share with you falls short of the traditional canon. For one thing, it begins agreeably enough, only to draw to an unsavoury conclusion with ambiguously loose ends.
The History And Archeology Museum Of Tulcea
The History and Archeology Museum (HAM) is a main component of the Institute for Ecomuseum Research, Tulcea (IER). Although it was practically established in 1975 by the permanent history and archeology exhibition at the former Danube Delta Museum, inside an edifice located