Romanian cultural institute

6 Dec 2013 - 30 Nov 2014

Cursuri de limba română pentru străini la Bucureşti / Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners in Bucharest 2014

Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners ROMANIA(N) IN A NUTSHELL If you want to study Romanian for your business, for your job or for fun, the language courses given by the Romanian Cultural Institute are the right choice! Courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced

11 Nov 2014

Nou la Editura ICR: „Mănăstirile Olteniei. Artă și spiritualitate“

„Mănăstirile Olteniei. Artă și spiritualitate“, Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2014Texte de Elisabeta Negrău și Vlad Bedros Ediție coordonată și postfață de Părintele Iustin Marchiș Fotografii de Dan Dinescu și Daniel Constantinescu Ediție în limba

16 Dec 2013 - 26 Jul 2014

Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania, July 1st-26th 2014/ Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, Braşov, România, 1-26 iulie 2014

EN/RO Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania20th edition, July 1st – 26th 2014 Learn Romanian in Romania! The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes and conducts Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses in the 12th century citadel

29 May 2014

Pod de cărți peste Ocean - România, a doua zi la BookExpo America

Programul românesc la BookExpo America (BEA) New York, la care România este prezentă, în premieră, cu un stand național organizat de Institutul Cultural Român, a continuat joi, 29 mai, la Global Market Stage din cadrul BEA, cu o conferință intitulată Translation

1 Mar 2014 - 30 Apr 2014

ICR oferă patru burse de participare la Cursurile de limba română de la Brașov / Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov: 4 places exempted from participation fee

RO Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, Braşov, România ediţia a XX-a, 1-26 iulie 2014 ÎNVĂŢAŢI LIMBA ROMÂNĂ ÎN ROMÂNIA! Institutul Cultural Român organizează Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească în cetatea transilvană

19 Dec 2012 - 18 Dec 2013

Cursuri de limba română pentru străini în Bucureşti / Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners in Bucharest 2013

Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners ROMANIA(N) IN A NUTSHELL If you want to study Romanian for your business, for your job or for fun, the language courses given by the Romanian Cultural Institute are the right choice! Courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced

1 Jan 2013 - 30 Nov 2013

Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania, July 2nd -27th 2013/ Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, Braşov, România, 2-27 iulie 2013

You have one more week to enroll! Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania, July 2nd -27th 2013/ Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească, Braşov, România, 2-27 iulie 2013 Marţi, 02 iulie 2013 - Sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2013

4 Apr 2013

Grants for cultural journalists offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute in 2013

Call for application: Grants for cultural journalists offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute in 2013 The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 10 grants of 1,500 € each that cover the expenses of the foreign grantees during their one-month stay in Romania. In order to

16 Oct 2012 - 13 Dec 2012

Cursuri de limba română pentru străini în Bucureşti / Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners in Bucharest 2012

EN / RO Romanian Language Classes for Foreigners ROMANIA(N) IN A NUTSHELL If you want to study Romanian for your business, for your job or for fun, the language courses given by the Romanian Cultural Institute are the right choice! Courses for beginners, intermediate

18 Jun 2012 - 11 Jul 2012

Reacții la decizia de subordonare a ICR Senatului României

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,To Whom it May Concern, I am writing you from the Ph. D. granting institution of the City University in New York, the Graduate Center CUNY with real concern. I have collaborated for many years with the Romanian Cultural Institute, presenting playwrights,

27 Jun 2012

Scrisori oficiale din partea instituțiilor de cultură naționale și internaționale

To the Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta,To the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania, To the Speaker of the Senate of Romania, To the Permanent Bureau of the Senate of Romania, Dear Madam, Dear Sir, To Whom it May Concern, I am writing you from the Ph.

16 Feb 2012 - 1 May 2012

CfA: GRANTS offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute and the British Council Romania / Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov

Learn Romanian in Romania! The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes and conducts Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses in the 12th-century citadel of Braşov - 18th edition, July 3rd – 28th 2012. The program is organized in collaboration with the Faculty