Magda Mihăilescu - My Sister from Australia. Past Meetings with Irina Petrescu
Criticul de film Magda Mihăilescu a reunit, în cartea Sora mea din Australia, convorbiri cu Irina Petrescu, scrisori, confesiuni ale artistei, mărturii ale mai multor cineaști sau critici de film, alături de un bogat material fotografic. Un capitol aparte este dedicat
Romanian Cinema Inside Out: Insights on film culture, industry and politics (1912-2019), coord. Irina Trocan
Ediție în limba engleză, apărută la Editura ICR în cadrul festivalului EUROPALIA ROMÂNIARomanian Cinema Inside Out: Insights on film culture, industry and politics (1912-2019), coord. Irina TrocanCuprins/ ContentsIntroduction - Irina TrocanVideograms of a NationRomanian Independence:
Why Some Movies Are Good
In almost all professional meetings, whether they are held at the Filmmakers' Association or right nearby at Vineyard tavern, the film director Tufiş (in the credits of a labor safety documentary submitted to the greatest specific film festival he had required that
The Curtain Re-opens In Sfantu Gheorghe - The Anonimul International Independent Film Festival 2007
Only a few days to go before movie-goers and lovers of nature will be able to fulfill their dreams: films in paradise! A remarkable display of art in the enchanted Danube Delta, precisely where the mighty river flows into the sea, offering its own splendid aquatic and vegetal