
The Dobruja Patrimony Of The National Village Museum

Director of Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum in Bucharest Ethnological research of Dobruja represented an important objective for the experts at the Village Museum starting from the 1950-1960s. Dobruja proved to be one of the most fascinating regions due to the history

The Last Mohicans

Director of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant in Bucharest The right of the Danube Delta Biosphere locals to preserve their specific customs and traditional economic activities is guaranteed. That was in 1993. It was a sort of constitution of the Delta, which guaranteed

Ethnicity And Imagination In The Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is a land inhabited by Romanians coming from Transylvania, Moldavia and Oltenia (Little Walachia), as well as by people who came here from Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. There seem to be two causes that led to this ethnic mosaic: a political one –

The Danube Delta Treasure

Director of Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History in Bucharest The Danube Delta has a diverse fauna and flora which, in the context of the global preoccupation for environmental preservation, are major points of interest for Europe and even for the whole planet.


Director of the Institute for Ecomuseum Research, Tulcea The ruins near Murighiol village, in Tulcea County, have been known since the end of the previous century. Several chance discoveries, but especially the discussions regarding the ancient name of the fortress, have

The Archaeology Of The Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is not only an oasis at the crossroads of the great bird migration and nesting routes. By its structural nature, the Danube Delta has always generated a varied range of resources and an inexhaustible reserve of natural wealth, which have signified for the

The Truth Hides Behind Laws And Declarations

The National Minorities Issue In Romania When tackling the issue of national minorities in Romania, one should stick to the realities of the life of the ethnic groups in question. Most importantly, when discussing concrete steps for the protection of national minorities,

20 Ways To Love Thy Neighbor

The evolution of the traditions, cross-influences and mutual borrowings of the Romanians' centuries-old cohabitation with the 20-odd national minorities is worth looking into because it may offer spectacular surprises. Owing to the blend of very different nationalities

Du Billet Au Traité: Le Français Chez Les Roumains

C'est un fait reconnu depuis longtemps: les plus grands accomplissements culturels des Roumains ont presque toujours transité la culture française dans leur parcours vers le monde. Brancusi, Enescu, Ionesco, Cioran sont les figures de proue de ce que l'on pourrait

Ideas And Ideology In Interwar Romania

For the Romanian cultural psyche, the interwar period still appears, after so many decades of indefatigable exegesis, as a real, alluring and embarrassing hortus conclusus, a closed garden of paradisiacal, yet so venomous intellectual flourishing. Major cultural achievements

The Truth About Romania's Children

(not for children's use) For many years after the fall of communism, the association between Romania and children meant a hellhole: European champions of neonatal and infant mortality (16. 7 % in 2003, down from 26. 9 % in 1990), juvenile AIDS (almost 9000 cases of

EURESIS / 2010

The current volume brings together a number of papers that were initially presented at the Conference, organised between the 23rd to the 25th of November 2006, by the “Tudor Vianu” Interdisciplinary Centre of European and Romanian Cultural Studies – an academic research